xxi. | surprise!

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Devil's Trap; Part One

"When today fails to offer the justification for hope, tomorrow becomes the only grail worth pursuing." -Arthur Miller

EMERY WAS PULLED CLOSER TO DEAN as he hung up the phone. Meg had answered instead of John, probably sending both boys into a worried frenzy.

That wasn't a good thing.

"They've got Dad," Dean announced, before he was letting go of Emery and rushing forward. He seemed to want to start pacing again.

"Meg?" Sam asked, Dean nodding in response. "What'd she say?"

"I just told you, Sammy! Okay," Dean ran a hand over his face.

Emery wiped the tears from her face, putting on her strong face. Her boys needed her.

"Okay," Dean repeated, before he picked up the Colt. He looked at it for a second, before he slipped it into his waistband at the back of his jeans.

"What are you going, Dean?" Sam asked. Emery already knew. All Dean every cared about was family, so he was going to try and get it back.

"We gotta go," Dean stated.


"Because the demon knows we're in Salvation, alright? It knows we got the Colt." At this, Emery rushed forward and started packing up her stuff, slipping on her ruined leather jacket and grabbing her bag. "It's got Dad. It's probably coming for us next."


So not good, Sammy, Emery thought.

"We still got three bullets left, let it come."

"Listen, Tough Guy, we aren't ready! Okay, we don't know how many of them are out there! Now, we're not good to anybody dead! We're leaving, now!"

They were on the road in no time, Dean speeding like he usually does. Sam looked angry, but right now Emery didn't care. She was with Dean on this one, even though she couldn't die.

She needed the Winchesters, just like a lot of other people did.

"I'm telling you, Dean, we could have taken him," Sam stated.

"What we need is this little thing called a plan, Sam," Emery said.

"They're probably keeping Dad alive, we just gotta find out where. They're gonna wanna trade him for the gun," Dean added on. "What?"

"Dean, if that were true, why didn't Meg mention a trade? Dad, he might be..."


"I don't wanna believe it anymore than you, but if he is, all the more reason to kill this damn thing! We still have the Colt! We can still finish the job!"

"Screw the job, Sam!"

"Dean, I'm just trying to do why he would want! He would want us to keep going!"

"Quit talking about him like he's dead already! Listen to me! Everything stops till we get him back, you understand me? Everything!"

There was a tense silence for a minute, before Sam broke it. "So, how do we find him?"

"We go to Lincoln, start at the warehouse where he was taken."

Tragedy ° DEAN WINCHESTERWhere stories live. Discover now