The Fog of War

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In the year of 1941, several years after the outbreak of the Third Franco-Prussian war. They were currently in the colonies of North Africa. The Italian Leagues were on the side of the Prussian forces, and had invaded the southern lands of the Franco-Anglo Empire's homeland, with the Prussians invading the North, however, the lines were held, in the most part due to the Wellington defensive line.

The Anglo Franco forces were now in a situation, much like the Second Franco-Prussian war, hard trench warfare, with the addition of tanks, and Air power, the war had lines that moved with more frequency. The Anglos held the vital canals, however were not able to hold the opening to the Mediterranean from the Atlantic Ocean.

Now, near the lands held by the Franco monarchy, the combined forces were at a supply hub, gathering the last bits of Fuel, Ammo, and other supplies that they would need. It was the night before they continued, in the small desert town that had been abandoned and made into a supply hub. A fog would roll in, rather suddenly. Alarm bells rang, as many worried it was a smoke screen for an incoming enemy force. As the fog rolled over the town, nothing happened, no engines of more tanks were heard, it was quiet.

"Something isn't right here." one said.

The fog dispersed and the soldiers looked to the sky. Just as quickly as it had come, it had vanished.....mostly, the fog still hung in the town, however, the seemed to form a screen of sorts. or rather, like a wall.

"What the hell? That is weird. Ever seen anything like that?" one asked.

"I have not. know what else I've never seen?" another soldier said, looking in the opposite direction.

"What would that be?" the first soldier asked, turning to see what the man was looking at.

"What ever the fuck that thing is!" the soldier shouted, as a moving sand mound exploded, and an armored creature came rushing forward.

A tank swiveled the turret and fired, blasting through the armor of the body and killing the creature.

"What the hell? How in the last 2000 years has this never been recorded?" One soldier who approached asked.

"I don't think this is not Algeria." He said, looking up at the sky, only to see two moons, one red and one white.

"Jesus." the soldier said.

-elsewhere, in a different time and a different place-

On a train, traveling through the cold snow covered tundra of Siberia, forces were being sent to reinforce the forces near Uman. On the train were mostly newly conscripted men and with several tanks being transported to the front from the east.

"Damn it's cold." one commented.

"Yeah, if you think it's bad for us, just wait till we get fighting the fascist swine." one soldier joked.

"Damn geese, caught us by surprise, I knew they were bad the minute they asked us to split Poland." the soldier said.

Suddenly the train car jerked and many of the men were thrown about, however due to how tightly packed, many were injured by the sudden crash. By the time many had come to their sense, they climbed out, pulling themselves up, and out of the train car, seeing that they were in lands that were cold, but also, they could see a distant ocean.

"Is this ash?" One person asked, as he pulled some cloth over his nose.

"it's like a sludge." another said, picking it up, and feeling it in his hand, then wiping his hand on his coat a bit.

"Shouldn't we be in Kazakhstan?" someone asked, as more climbed out.

"We should, Does anyone have a compass?" a officer shouted, as he pulled out a map, "And have the medics look for any injured. Engineers ensure the tanks and trucks are functional!"

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