March of the Soviet Storm

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The Soviets were marching, with Ulfric. They would depart from Windhelm and march along with Ulfric Stomcloak. The departure would have them pass Morvunskar, and later Mixed Water Mill. Commissar Pestov watched, smiling. This land was rather calm, there seemed to be no threats, to them.

"The lands are beautiful, you call them, Skyrim?" The commisar asked.

"It is. Skyrim has been home to the throat of the world, and the first lands that humans stepped upon." Ulfric said.

The army, made up of the Soviets and a Militia that was made up of guards from Windhelm, and some men from the city. As they passed the forts, some of the guards and soldiers would join the passing army.

By the time the sun would begun to set, they would be at the central province of Skyrim, and pass by Whiterun, and resting on the north side of the Western Watchtower. As they camped, a man approached with a group of people behind him.

"Welcome travelers. What hold do,you hail from?" He asked.

The man was young, with blonde hair, and wore some basic armor. Behind him was an older man, wearing armor that has a wolf head design mixed into it. Behind the first man was a woman, with red hair, and blue skin. They all carried swords, with the front man, wearing steel plate.

"Balgruuf, I did not expect you to bring a companion." Ulfric said.

"I am his protector." The blue skinned woman, Irileth, said.

"And I have come as a sellsword hired by Balgruuf, not as a member of the guild." The other man, Skjor said.

The force that had come to join, was small, only around 15 men, with the various people who joined Ulfric, he had 100 people. Meanwhile, the Soviets had 145 men, giving them a strong force, at the time.

"We are going to free Markarth, the Reachmen attacked and invaded. I chose to answer the call of the Silver-Bloods and Hrolfdir. Once it is liberated from the fowl Foresworn, it will belong to the Nords once more." Ulfric said.

Pestov shook his head.

"I would like to make a request. We will be on approach, and I volunteer my people, my guns, my tanks. We will launch the frontal assault. We will liberate this city. But I ask, once the city is captured, we would like control of the city." The Commissar explained.

Ulfric raised his brow.

"If you can defeat them, before our march is compete, we will allow you to control." Ulfric said, skeptical.

"Good, now, pull out a map, I can create a plan that will aid in the securement of victory." Pestov said.

A map was pulled out, and a torch was held up to illuminate the paper. Looking at the roads, and towns, there were two roads that lead to and from Markarth. The first was a road to the north. They converged after a short distance. 

"Here, If you both are willing, we will have you prevent any reinforcements, and preventing any who break through our lines. Balgruuf, you will be near Karthwastan. Ulfric, you will be to the west of the city, holding where these river meet. Once you heard our artillery, you can begin your approach, but be ready. From the claims I have heard, these are men of the hills, they could attack from them." Pestov said.

"You really are confident with your machines of steel." Balgruuf said.

"Machines are only as good as the men using them. And we soviets, we are the best." Pestov said, as he walked away.

The groups prepared, many of the soldiers, both soviet and nords, sang and drank together, they ate, and prepared for what was to come. As the Night turned to day, the Soviets prepared to march, when one soldier sang out, while a few drummed away on the sides of the tank, some hummed as if they were playing instruments.

This was the marching song that would be remembered, as the "Song of the Soviet March."

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