American Landing

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The Admiral of the escort group was in the bridge of the Roosevelt, the aircraft carrier that was with the escort group. They had spotted an island in the distance. A few PT boats would load up with squads of soldiers, before they departed from the fleet.

"Ok, the goal is clear. We land, move in, see who the people on the island.....maybe we can figure out what the hell happened." the Sergeant said, looking at his men.

The PT boats moved along the shore, before the soldiers on the PT boats, they leapt from the boats and onto the shore. The 4 squads moved in slowly in land, climbing a hill, they would eventually reach the top, and notice roads and some buildings on stilts.

"Are we in the Pacific? This doesn't look anything like what's in Europe." One soldier said, as he walked towards a building.

"Zip it." a sergeant ordered in a whispered shout.

As the soldiers move through the compound in the early morning light, one soldier moving through a patch of trees growing in a fence, before he pushed a tree down, breaking a fence. Everyone looked at him, nervous, as they paused. The door opened and a man walked out, holding a bow, and shouted.

"Get out of here, I am armed and I know how to kill a bandit like you!" the man shouted.

The man suddenly found that he had 8 garands, 1 BARs, and a Thompson. He looked, not having the bow string drawn, looking at the 40 men moving around the plantation.

"I.....may have started with the wrong statement." He said, stepping back as he looked around.

"Call your people out, we want to talk." the 2nd squad's Staff Sergeant stated.

The man looked around, before he walked back inside, and after a few minutes, a  few people walked out, then moving to other buildings, they brought out a few dozen people. Looking a group, that looked like everything from tiger men who was bulging with mucles, while another was a thin small woman who looked like a elf described by tolkein, and a mix of others, all having feline. 

The soldiers looked at them, before the Staff Sergeant walked up and looked at them.

"Who is the one in charge around here?" He questioned.

A can man walked forward. His fur was trimmed and clean, having long hair on the top of his head with beads at the end, along with some on a mustache

"I am Dro Dar'arr. I am the owner of the plantation." the cat explained.

The soldiers looked at each other confused.

"I'm with the United States, we are hoping you could answer us a few questions." the soldier said.

"We can try, but....Mistral is the better place for answers." He said, his eyes slipping down to the guns repeatedly, seeing all the soldiers holding them.

"Well, let's just keep it simple, what you know. What's the name of this Island, recent power structure changes" The Staff Sergeant said.

"The Thalmor have given us back the moons, we are honored to serve them, that was maybe 13....maybe 14 years ago. The island is known as Khenarthi's Roost, it is to the south of Elyweyr." Dar'arr explained.

The soldiers looked at each other.

"Would you be willing to lead us to this Mistral." The Staff Sergeant explained.

"If you just follow the road to the west, until you reach the north west, the City is a major trade hub in the region. It is not hard to miss." Dar'arr said.

"Davis, have your squad stay here. Dar'arr, if you have any issues, in terms of dangers, Sergeant Davis will be here to help." the Staff Sergeant explained.

"Company, Move out, thank you for the assistance." the Staff Sergeant said, as he walked towards the west, following the road.

Sergeant Davis walked over to Dar'arr.

"Sergeant Davis, my squad will be here to help you, consider yourself protected by the United States Military.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2023 ⏰

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