Chapter 2

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After the turtles along with April and Casey introduce themselves to the Storm Hawks and vice versa, conversation ensues on how exactly the turtles landed themselves in this predicament.

"Okay, now that introductions are out of the way, the next step is figuring out how this happened in the first place. Besides the obvious with the warp crystal. And how to fix it." Aerrow said.

"For starters, how did you guys find the crystal? Are these from Earth too?" Piper asked.

"Well, yes, but not the type that would do something like that." Donnie said.

"Hmm. So how come you guys found this one?" Piper asked to no one in particular, thinking out loud.

"I was exploring a few nights ago and I found it lying on the ground in a skating rink. I could feel the power coming from it, so I took it back to the lair to study it. The fact that this is capable of travel like this is incredible!" Donnie said.

"And dangerous. These types of crystals are pretty rare. If you don't think of the place you want to go beforehand, you'll get teleported to a random location." Piper said. "The strange thing is, if you used it for this long, how come it wasn't until now you were teleported?" Piper asked, thinking again.

"Maybe something triggered the teleportation?" Donnie proposed. "Raph, what exactly were you doing on the laptop when this happened?" He asked Raph.

"I was playing pinball." Raph responded.

"You didn't change the graphic settings to 'Shelltacular' or 'High' did you?" Donnie asked.

"Don't think so." Raph said. "I just started the game up and played it."

"What about last night?" Donnie asked.

"Solitaire and pinball. I only ever played the pinball game twice. I did fall asleep though. Maybe the laptop was still on?" Raph said.

"Don't think so. It's been set to sleep after a certain amount of time has passed without anyone do anything." Donnie said.

"I will say the graphics did get better after the first time. How'd you do that?" Raph asked.

"I didn't." Donnie said. "Did you let anyone else use it?"

"No. The only other person around it was Mikey when he helped me play solitaire." A thought then came to Raph. "Mikey."

He started looking for him and found him trying to walk away. "I was just uh, about to go to the bathroom." Mikey said.

"Did you touch my computer?" Raph asked, getting up close to his face, his anger rising.

"No man! What would make you think that?" Mikey asked trying to slowly back away.

"Well, other than Donnie, you were the only other person that used it." Raph said.

"Come on man, it was exactly as you left it! Pinball game and everything!" Mikey said.

"How did you know what game I played after solitaire if you didn't use it again?" Raph asked.

Mikey realized he messed up after giving up that one detail. "Uh oh." He said. Before Raph could do anything he admitted it, "Okay! Okay! I did it! I used the laptop alright? I got up early. I was gonna go get somethin' to eat and then I heard it. I was just gonna turn it off, but then I saw how awesome the game looked. I tried my best, but I just couldn't resist the awesomeness of pinball! You guys know how much I love arcade games. They always stand the test of time no matter how old they get!"

"So you loved arcade games so much to the point that you changed the settings on the game even though it specifically said after Shelltacular not to do so until I finished with the Operating System?" Donnie asked, upset that he would do something like this.

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