Chapter 4

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"Now that you guys are all here, I can show you all your weapons." Piper said.

The turtles, April and Casey all went to where Piper created the weapons.

"Dude! These things are awesome!" Mikey said, picking up his weapon. They were a pair of nunchucks. Except these were glowing orange.

"They're all powered by the same thing our weapons are. Energy crystals. I tried my best to stick with weapons at least similar to what you guys already use to make sure you're not out of your comfort zone. Michelangelo, because one of our other allies, Starling also uses nunchucks, yours were the easiest to make. Although I haven't been able to get my hands on them myself, I've seen her use them before and based it's design off hers. With a couple of surprises I added in myself." Piper said.

"Hold on! I'm gonna try it out!" Mikey said.

"Not in here!" Piper said, stopping him.

Leonardo looks at his weapon. It seemed to be a double bladed. Different from what he traditionally uses. However, like all weapons, he respects it, especially as his own.

"You would think your swords would be the easiest to replicate. But they were actually pretty difficult. There was nothing here that's as sharp as your swords. So instead I had to come up with a compromise. This double-bladed sword lets you be a little bit more versatile in how you want to fight. How, you ask? Simple. They can be split into two blades. I based the design off of Aerrow's twin energy blades." Piper said.

"Thank you. I'll do my best to take care of it." Leo said.

"You're welcome!" Piper said. Although she wouldn't say it, hearing someone be appreciative of her work made her day.

"Raphael, your sai correct?" She said, trying to make sure she got it right.

"You got it." Raph said.

"Your sai were the hardest to design out of them all. There was just nothing here that could match them." Piper said.

"If you're giving me some sword or staff, you can forget it. I'd rather-" Raph started before she showed him the weapon.

"So instead, how about an up close and personal weapon? The tonfas. This next little perk is inspired by Junko's Knuckle Busters." Piper explained.

"Aw, you took some inspiration from my Knuckle Busters? You shouldn't have Piper." Junko said, trying to avoid blushing from the fact that his favorite weapon inspired one of his friends' creations.

"Put them together, and the power of your punches increase along with the weapon!" Piper said. Raph puts them together and starts throwing punches.

"On second thought, I'll take 'em!" Raph said.

"And finally, your weapon Donatello. The glaive." She said, handing it to him. "But unlike most glaives, it's ranged too. I based the design off my staff. The projectiles shot when they hit a target, have different effects depending on what you choose. They can heal, stun, explode or send out a blinding burst of light." Piper said. "You can twist the lower end, with a little bit of force of course to avoid any accidental changes to change modes." Piper continued.

Donnie tried it out. "Green is for healing, blue is for stun, purple is explosive, and white for blinding." She added as he twisted the lower half of the glaive.

Piper hands Casey a club.

"Pretty straightforward. It's built to do one thing. Hit stuff. Hard!" Piper said.

Casey smiled as he examined his weapon.

Piper hands April an energy blade.

"Also straightforward in its design. But it's got a couple of tricks up its sleeve. Block a projectile with it and it'll reflect them. Put the blade into the ground and it'll create a shockwave forward and shake the ground in a straight line." Piper said.

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