A Bleeding Head Is Not Always a Bad Thing

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Chapter 1: A Bleeding Head Is Not Always a Bad Thing

That day marked the start of it all.

The interrelated process of gaining something and losing something has never been noteworthy for me until this story happened. It began ordinarily with the sun up and dominating, the yorozuya having nothing good to do and me chewing on my favorite snack. No one would’ve expected this day to turn out the way it did. Not even him, probably…


"Gin-chan! Shinpachi! I'm going to buy sukonbu with Sadaharu,” I declared as I entered the living room, opening the sliding door a bit too forcefully in the process. I just ate the last box of my sour-strips and even the kitchen told me that Gin-chan’s emergency sukonbu pack has long been gone.

Our gigantic pet stood from his resting corner and strode towards me upon hearing his name being mentioned. My right hand automatically stroked his fluffy head while the other offered its palm to my ‘boss’, asking for my irregular stipend. The silver-head, who was slouching on the sofa, quickly understood what I wanted but he had to give me a scowl before dropping a few coins on my hand. I guess it was because I disturbed a crucial scene in the manga he was reading or his stinginess was just springing up.

"Ah, Kagura-chan, while you're at it, could you buy a bottle of ketchup?" Shinpachi requested as he turned around from the desk he was cleaning. There was never a day when he wouldn’t do any form of household chore. I don’t know if he really works here to learn the samurai way from Gin-chan or he just wanted to play house and be the housewife or something. "We'll be having omurice for lunch today, thanks to the eggs Otose-san gave us," he added smiling warmly, completely unaware of my thoughts.

"Tss, useless megane ordering me around," I mumbled loud enough to annoy him before shoving my hand to the lazy guy for the necessary increase. This time, the couch potato complied without looking away from the current page.

"What did you say?!" I have to admit, Shinpachi can quickly turn from being nice and serious to being exasperated and funny. I’ll never get tired of picking on this fellow.

"Oi, Kagura," the silver-haired man called before I could turn my back on both of them. He was busy multi-tasking –reading while picking his nose— so he only gave me a monotonous, "Be careful of red cars and guys in scooters who are rushing to buy a Jump. I heard this chapter will involve someone having amnesia. I've had enough of people with memory problems so don't get into trouble, hmm?"

"It was you who had amnesia before! Do you really have the right to say that?" was megane’s tsukkomi comment. “And why are you breaking the fourth wall this early?!”

“I’m just warning her,” Gin-chan answered casually. “I don’t want to go through all the trouble of reminding someone of their past. It’s such a drag.”

“I’m old enough not to be hit by a car, Gin-chan, don’t worry,” I lazily replied as Sadaharu and I walked to the front door. “And I’m not stupid enough to forget my important memories like some old man in episode 31.” I then heard him say something that sounded like he was angry but I knew better. I knew he wasn’t really angry the least bit, so I just continued on my way out, snickering inwardly at how I’ve successfully bullied the two in my own special way.

I absolutely love our routine. I say and do mean things to them and they respond looking all funny. I learn many things from Gin-chan, though he would sometimes scramble for a good explanation for the difficult, adult-related questions if he couldn’t pretend he’s asleep. We make fun of Shinpachi like it’s the most normal thing to do and he would blush or get fuming. We face different problems everyday but always manage to get through them and still smile at the end. I couldn’t ask for anything more than my life here with all my friends.

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