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Ivy's POV

I gulp as we all get up.

"sorry darling only you are allowed. Jay doesn't like other to be there it's a disturbance to him sorry"

"oh oh oh o.. Okay"

"we will wait here you go" Dayna tells me

"talk to us through text"

I nod and walk in "you're a very pretty girl" the lady tells me

"I was going to say the same to you but I was scared"

"aww thank you sweeties"

"may I know what's your name?"

"it's Maggie"

"your name is... Comforting" she smiles leading me to the room

The walls where covered in drawings. Some on paper some on the red wall.

It was beautiful, whoever the artist is really is talented. The butterflies caught my eye.

There was a zig zag of butterflies but in a very pretty way. The designs on paper were that of skulls with roses. Some of snakes, dragons, lions and wolf's. I loved the wolf ones

There was also a drawing of a German Shepard dog. It was so beautiful drawn-out. The dog was cute. So damn cute.

As I was admiring the art on the walls. I heard a scoff. I turn around and face a big guy. No this was a monster but a handsome one.

"you're Ivy?" he asks with a deep voice that makes me think about the men in books.

I nod not knowing how to reply. All English I spoke or understood flew out the window.

This guy wore a black vest showing off his huge muscular arms that where covered in tattoos. It was so intriguing to see his tatted arms.

"what design do you want?" he asks me as he sits on the small rolling chair parting his legs. His thick thighs grabbing my attention.

"this one here" I show him the design I sketched

"you drew this?"


He turns around and I see his back. Oh my word he was the same guy I bumped into at school. The one who knocked me down.

"you were the guy who bumped into me. I got hurt because of that" I said softly talking to myself but he heard me, of course he did.

"is it my problem that you can't see where you walk?" he looks at me with his blank and handsome face

I wanted to say something because I hate disrespectful people but I was scared. He seemed scary. He is scary.

"sit" he orders and I listen.

As much as I hate the way he is acting his behavior makes me feel a way I have never felt before. The way I feel while reading.

"where do you want this tattoo?"

The question took me by surprise. I mean not completely but it caught me off guard.

"on.. On my.. Uh on my thigh" he looks down and my thighs that are partially covered with my  dress.

"pick it up"

I lift my dress up and roll my thights up a little. He gazes at my thighs that where covered in marks. All made by me. The straight lines that cross over each other. So many that I can't even count it. A few new lines.

"do you want to talk about it?" he asks me looking at me

"uuhh I thought you... You know wouldn't care"

"I don't but I am offering to listen to you. I hate the fact that you ruined your perfect fucking thighs."

"uhh.... I didn't mean to but it's just the only thing that makes me calm"

"what pushed you to do it?"

"the stares, the words. Even TV shows and music made it worse. Rejection and the looks boys gave me the way I felt about myself. I still hate my body. Mostly my thighs. "

"let me tell you something, boys prefer skinny. Men prefer thick. Your body is beyond perfect and as for people they aren't in your shoes for all you know they could be talking and saying 'I wish I had an ass like hers'" he tells me all this without a bit of emotion

" it's hard when your mind and heart are at war all the time "

" so what? , listen to your body. "

" thank you "

" you're... Welcome"

He takes my desgin and walks out. I am left alone with my mind in cloud 9. All his words and what he said giving me butterflies but hearing it from a guy like him makes me belive it.

Maybe after this I will recover. I'll be fine with people's looks because who gives a fuck. I don't anymore.

I check my phone feeling it vibrate.

The girls where asking me if I was good and if the guy was a perv or anything. I told them he was nice and that I was okay. They told me that they were going to get me some food and some for them. They also told me to ask him how long it would take to get done

He finally came back just as I put my phone away. "Jay? How long do you think all this would take?" he looks at me

"how do you know my name?"

"maggie mentioned it while talking to me"

"oh... It will take at least an hour or less "

I text the girls and tell them. They said once I was done we could get Starbucks with the hour we had left I agreed excited for it.

"Ivy you need to relax, since this your first tattoo you don't know how your body will react to it so relax your body"

He wipes my thigh clean and applies the stencil or sketch of it on my thigh. Feeling his hands on me, butterflies were let loose in my stomach.

"ready?" I nod

I hear the machine and I brace myself for the pain but it was similar to the blades. I looked down at him doing it and my mind began working.

The pain and him causing it made this feel so good. My heart, mind and body all telling me one thing. My imagination giving my body another reaction.

I could feel my wetness, never in a million years would I have thought that I would be in this position.

"you good?" he looks up at me, I bite my lower lip and nod holding back a moan.

Tattoos and hot tattoo artist's turn me on?


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