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Ivy's POV

What the actual fucking hell just happened?! . I was still in shock from everything.

I couldn't tell the girls or I just know they would think he forced himself on me.

He was my first kiss, his tongue was huge and something I didn't know how to handle.

I really wanted to kiss him but I didn't know a damn thing about all this.

I walked out and see Maggie talking to the girls. She calls me over and asked to see my tattoo.

"it's beautiful"

She gives me pointers on how to treat it. She also wraps it in clear rap, she says I can take it out in a day or two. I paid her and showed the girls my tattoo

My leg was sore but I honestly didn't mind it. Eliza and Dayna where obsessed over the tattoo.

I took at look at it and it was really beautiful. I was in love with it.

I pull my thights down and we walk out. We go to Starbucks, as we sit down I get a call from my mom.

"hi mom"

"your dad is in the hospital, he had a heart attack tell Lucille to bring you here"

"is he okay?" tears prick at my eyes.

"he is in the operation room"

"okay okay I am coming"

I hang up and see the girls worried expression.

"what happened?" they ask

"my dad had a heart attack and he is in hospital we have to go please"

Eliza phones her mom and we all meet at the car. We rush to the hospital. I walk in and ask for my parents. They gave me the room number and the girls come with me.

"mom how is he? What happened" tears stream down my face.

"he was at work when he collapsed, his co-worker brought him here. They said he had a heart attack and thankfully it isn't to severe but they are putting stents"

"oh my gosh" I sit on the bench crying. They all try to comfort me but I was scared.

I was so close to my dad even though he isn't around much he is my world. I would die if anything happened to him.

I needed to get my head right. I couldn't stop crying. I had to be alone.

I walk away trying to get myself together. I end up in a hallway that was empty. I sit on the bench crying. My body feeling shaky and my heart broken.

"God please keep him safe please protect him" I plead hoping God heard me.

After a while I calmed down but I heard someone else sniffling. I peak into the room that I was sitting next to and see a boy.

I enter the room and see him crying. He was holding a teddy bear in his hand.

"hi are you okay?" he looks at me

"who are you?"

"no one but I heard you crying and just wanted to see if you're okay"

"my brother hasn't visited me yet and he promised he would"

"oh, can I keep you company till he does?"

He nods. I sit on the chair besides his bed and see that he had a phone and some toys.

"how old are you?"

"10 and you?"


"my name is Jason"

"I am Ivy"

"like Poison Ivy"

"yes" I smile and so does he.

I didn't really like children but he was an exception. He was nice and very cute. Like a small baby

"why are you here?" he asks me

"my dad is admitted here because he had a heart attack"

"I am sorry"

"it's okay, he is strong he will be out soon I am sure"

"he will"

"why are you here?" I ask

"my kidney is weak and I am going to have surgery soon once my brother has enough money"

"oh.. Well I know you are strong"

"thank you, but I am scared"

"don't be you are a brave boy. Once this happens you will be stronger than ever. Do you want to do a prayer?"


I hold my hand out and he takes it. We both bow our heads and I begin the prayer.

"God we come to you in your powerful name. We come to you to ask for strength and power to overcome the difficulties we are going through right now. Please bless Jason with strength and endurance to fight his battle, please be with him and always protect him, please help his brother as he wants to provide and protect Jason. Please be with my dad and heal him. Please heal these very two strong people please heal Jason and my dad. We ask this in your almighty name "

" amen " we say in unison

" you will be fine I can promise you that and your brother should be here soon "

" and I am sure your dad will be strong again "

" I don't really like kids but you are okay "I smile and he looks offended but he then laughs with me.

" is it okay if I visit you when ever I visit my dad? "

" yes please do, you are way more fun than my brother and I'd like to pray again when you show up "

" okay "

As we talk my phone rings, it was mom.

"where are you? Come back here your dad just got out of the operation room"

"okay" she hangs up.

"hey I have to go my dad just got out of the operation room"

"oh... Okay.." he looked sad

"hey since you don't want to be alone why don't I take your number down and you can face time me when you are bored or alone huh"

"okay" he smiles and gives me his phone. We both had each other's numbers.

Funny thing, when I was ten I didn't even know how to make a call.

"thank you Ivy, it's long since I have had a friend"

"I'll be your bestie" I hug him and walk out.

I really hope he fights against his pain and overcomes it. He is a really sweet boy.

I make it back to my dad's hospital room and see my mom inside with him.

"your friends left as it was late" mom tells me

"oh... How is dad? When will he wake up?"

"they said that he is on some strong medication so it'll be a while till he is up"


"I phoned Clive and he will pick you up. You go home and go to school normally tomorrow I'll stay with dad for the night ." I nod and walk out.

Mom walks me to the hospital exit and we see Clive waiting.

I get in and he drives me home "how is your dad?"

"he is still unconscious"

"he will be okay don't you overthink it"

"yeah... I made a new friend"

"who is that?" I tell Clive about Jason

"you are to good for this earth Ivy"

"mmh... I'll see you later" I get out and open the door. I lock up and run the bath

This was unexpected we really just got out lives on track.


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