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Jay's POV

I didn't expect to see her there. I didn't even know she goes to that school.

I had been there to check up on the new guy Simpson has told me about. He said I should go meet him.

He is just a school kid though and i don't feel that to be right. I wanted to talk the kid out of doing it but upon seeing Ivy there all thoughts about the boy disappeared.

Seeing her in that skirt with the ink on her thigh. I wanted her so fucking bad.

Telling her so called friends I was her boyfriend they looked shocked. I wanted to punch them square in the face. No wonder she questioned herself so much it's because of these dicks.

When we reach the hospital I spoke to Jason and he told me his new friend was coming. When I saw her my heart did this thing. Like a fast beat.

This girl was different and weird and also cute. That's something i don't say often.

Maybe that kiss pulled me towards her but now it's her personality that is making me need her more.

After dropping her off I drove back to the shop and saw Maggie talking with Simpson.

"hey yall" i sit down next to them taking a sip of Simpsons beer

"how's your brother?" they ask

"he is good, his surgery is this Tuesday" I tell them

"that's fucking awesome boy, we all will visit him soon" Simpson says.

"thanks, is the match still on?"

"yeah be there on time"


I had two more clients for the day and then I went back to my place. I slept through the rest of the day and woke up at 6.

I get my bag and walk out. I see Rain waiting outside.

"ready?" he asks


We reach the ring and I see a bigger crowd than the other night.

I walk in and my match was the first one. Rain wraps my hands and i walk out.

The match  begins and the guy slides past me. He is the runner type.

I let him punch me once and when he was about to pin me i get him in a choke hold and he taps out.

The match was over in at least 5 minutes. I was looking forward to punching something but this guy looked small maybe in high school so I stopped myself.

I walk out and take my money as Rain and Simpson walk besides me.

"good out there boy" Simpson pats my shoulder and walks out.

I go home and lay in bed looking at the ceiling. Sleep was the last thing on my mind.

I take my phone and look for her number. I dial it and wait for her voice.

"hello"  I remain quite just wanting to hear her

"hellloooo who is this?"

"talk to me please" I beg



"what's wrong? Is Jason okay?"

"I am the one who isn't fine"

"what's wrong?"

"I don't know how to explain it"

"just tell me Jay, even if I can give you any advice I'll listen to you"

"doing all this shit to get the money for Jason's surgery is killing me every day. I just want my brother alive but I also want a life. Everyday I am just stuck in a corner and I feel suffocated and just want to walk away. When my parents died I had to step up at the time I thought I'd be able to manage it but now I am fading away slowly I am just tired my body is exhausted and I feel consumed in my own thoughts. You are like a breath of fresh air, you make me feel something and I hate you for that "

I spill everything, every feeling, every emotion and every truth.

" I'm sorry you feel that way but I want you to know you're amazing in my eyes being alone and yet you're doing all this for you brother. You're a hero but have the look of a villain I love that. Jay you're an amazing freaking sibling. I'm sorry all those responsibilities were thrown on you but i know soon you will manage it all and things will be smooth in yours and your brothers life, and I know you don't hate me because I like you big guy I'm not scared anymore and neither should you be of your thoughts "

Her voice and words give me that little happiness as I smile at the phone. She spoke and I listened. I spoke and she listened.

" thank you "

" you're most welcome "

" I am sorry I disturbed you "I tell her

" you didn't, and also what shit are you doing? "

" you sure you want to know?"

"yes. No. Maybe. I don't know. YES. Just tell me" she's adorable

"I fight and of course tattoo people" I tell her

"fight as in?"

"fight as in rings but relax this isn't illegal fighting it happens in a gym every night"

"You fight every night?!" she asks whisper yelling

"no, just every two nights a week "

"ohh did you fight tonight?"


"are you hurt?" she asks.

She is the first person to ever ask me that. Normally the question is 'did you win?' but she...

My head is being fucked with. She is confusing me and making me want her so bad. Not in a sexual way, just to hold her and kiss her head while she stays in my arms.

"Jay? are you there?"  her voice pulls me out of my thoughts


"are you hurt?"

"no no I'm fine the other guy was small" I tell her

"oh okay"

"do you not want to know if I won?" I ask

"i already know you did win"

My heart smiles as she speaks.

I somehow fall asleep to her voice.


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