5, crack | worlds collide: the electric boogaloo

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Summary: Cahaya has a run in with two familiar people - who happened to be alternate doppelgangers of his childhood best friend and his sister, who he may or may not have a crush on.

All things considered, Cahaya considered himself to be handling everything well.

As well as he can when he's handling alternate doppelgangers of him and his friends, that is.

He had no idea what had landed him in this situation. In one moment, he was highlighting important points in his Biology notes, cross examining them with previous exams; and the next he had found himself in the driveway, scrambling to evacuate when a literal flaming meteor was plumetting straight towards him.

Thankfully, no one was flattened and no houses had been burned down. All that's left of the fiery rock was a crater in the road, and two oddly familiar faces grimacing in said crater, covered in soot and littered with nothing more than bruises despite their rough landing.

When Cahaya had steeled himself to glance into the galing hole, the pair were already regaining consciousness, rubbing heads and groaning into their stomachs for the injuries they may have. Lights flickered to life in the houses around them, followed by hushed whispers and worried shouts for their children.

If Cahaya had decided to bolt for a second earlier, he would've been spared from the shitshow that would otherwise take place. However, he stayed for a moment longer, with just enough time for the two to raise their heads, locking eyes with him in a mixture of confusion and recognition.

Cahaya felt his jaw slacken.

After rushing them into his house and escaping from everyone's eyes, the pair sat awkwardly in his living room couch, shuffling in place in uncertainty as Cahaya closed all the curtains and locked the door.

And that's hoe they found themselves in their current predicament: Cahaya standing before lookalikes of his childhood friends, open first aid kid in his hand as they squirmed.

All three darted their gazes around, seemingly looking everywhere but each other. One of them raised a finger, but they lowered it when they realized they had no idea how to elaborate.

Then, all at once in unison: "What the hell are you?"

They stared.

And stare they did.

Cahaya narrowed his eyes.

The pair were clad in black clothing, with different colored accents that would appear to represent different aspects of themselves.

The one in gold resembled Tanah when he was still a teenager, only more muscular and more assured in himself. His hairstyle, though ragged and caked with dust, would be exactly how the Tanah he knew would have styled it. Even the mole on the left of his neck was the same.

The one in red resembled Petir as a teen-ager, but... male. The doe eyes, the sharp chin and stature—it was Petir if she had been born a different sex.

Had he travelled back in time? Cahaya massaged his temples as he sunk into the loveseat. The idea wouldn't make sense, because he was there for Petir's entire life and never once did he remember that she had gotten any corrective surgery.

He thanked all the immortal deities in the sky that the Petir and Tanah he knew were on a trip all across the country by now—he'd have a massive headache trying to figure everything out if they were here.

"You're..." Teenage Tanah raised a hand, catching his attention. "You're Solar, right?"

"No." Cahaya pursed his lip. "My name's Cahaya."

One-Shots #2 [Boboiboy]Where stories live. Discover now