12, action | depth of a mirror

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Summary: The OriTrio find themselves in a world unlike their own.

It was supposed to be a quick trip to the grocery store.

Keyword: supposed to.

"Not to alarm anyone, but—I think my everything just got turned inside out."

Behind him, Gempa retched violently into a tree. Halilintar, on the other hand, was hanging upside down from said tree, arms crossed as he grimaced at their youngest's nausea.

Halilintar did a poor job of masking his scoff. "Ah—there goes Duri's hard work for mother's day."

Being the element of Earth, Gempa had never been good with vertigo. He didn't have Taufan's immunity to motion sickness, or Halilintar's maneuverability in situations where he had no solid ground to rely on.

Halilintar shuffled awkwardly in his position. From what Taufan could see, his ankles had conveniently slotted in the branches, rendering him hanging by his legs alone.

It might be a blessing that the branches were relatively strong, or he'd fall right into Gempa's half-digested breakfast. Taufan could still identify the pieces of eggs and toast in the pool of stomach acid.

Taufan combed grass and mud from his hair, shooting Gempa a sympathetic glance after the sounds of vomit stopped. "You alright?"

Gempa supported himself to stand upright, holding himself by the three with a trembling palm pressed onto the bark. "I've seen better days." He wiped his mouth with the back of his palm of any remaining vomit. "Where are we?"

Taufan patted Gempa's back, hoping to soothe whatever sickness he had left. "I don't know," he confessed. "In a forest, I think."

Halilintar grunted, working to unstick himself from the tree. He curled his body on itself, looking for something to grip to move his ankles.

If they were human, the position would be nothing short of discomfort. It also helped that Halilintar was one of the most flexible ones in the team, second only to Duri.

"Oh?" he said sarcastically. Taufan didn't need to see his face to know the mockery plastered on his expression. "So that's why there's so many trees! Thank you, Captain Obvious!"

His hand found purchase with the stubborn branch by his foot, the entire tree and its leaves rustling with his effort. With a determined pull, the wooden branch snapped audibly, giving way to free his ankle. He fell on his back, just barely missing the puke, gagging into his hand at the smell.

He regained his footing, dusting off dust and grass from his clothes, all the while ignoring the pointed glare Taufan was throwing his way.

"I don't think we're on another planet," Gempa said, turning away from Taufan to avoid blasting him with his breath. "The ground is Earth's."

Taufan nodded. "So is the air," he agreed. "I think it's safe to say that we won't find any aliens that'd want to lay eggs in our open stomachs." Both Halilintar and Gempa spun to him, brows furrowed in judgement. "Not the time?"

Halilintar already had his phone out, scarlet eyes turning back to the screen. "It's never the time for your pop culture references," he groused. "Regardless, there's no signal. Not from TAPOPS' satellite or for calls. I can't contact anyone."

"The satellite?" Gempa frowned. "Solar used that to send us a picture from Pluto. How is it not working here?"

The lightning elemental snapped to him. "Do I look like I'm a fountain of knowledge? A seer who sees through the eyes of God? I know how to kick someone's butt six ways to Sunday with a fish bone and its fins, but I'm not Google, Tanah."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2022 ⏰

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