9, character study | anomaly

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Summary: An insight of Solar's mind and the events that follow after getting his powers. Is it a blessing, or a curse?

Guys I think I like modern AUs

Even when he was a child, Solar knew he was an anomaly.

When the other kids in his class struggled to color inside the borders, he was reciting the multiplicative table of 36 like his ABC's. When they banged drums and stomped on their cymbals, he was playing Antonio Vivaldi's 1stSpring Allergo on his junior violin. A prodigy, they called him. A genius who would surpass all the rest.

There was no assignment, no problem he couldn't understand. He matured faster than all the rest – by the time he was 14, he was on par with all his teachers, or even outthinking them by leagues ahead. Nothing in high school, senior year or beyond that posed a challenge to him.

He'd enrolled in an overseas university when he was 15, where he would be pursuing a degree in Astrophysics with formulation sciences as his minor. However, like history has proven, he breezed through nearly all the material where his grown, experienced adult classmates would be struggling.

It had gotten to the point where hardly anything interested him in life.

However, like an eagle soaring the skies, the top is often lonesome. His peers either admired him, scorned him, or feared him. He'd been analyzing research papers in the time he should be out and about with friends his age. No one, not even his own parents, would ever be on the same wavelength as him. He stood on a frequency that nobody could hope to match.

Then came his powers.

It'd come as a complete surprise to him. A shooting star that shouldn't have been, changing its original trajectory so drastically it quite literally bounced off his head. There he was, an innocent teenager walking down the streets, who almost had his skull caved in by a wayward space rock. He knows it's the sixth Happy Meal this week, but if there was some heavenly deity out there expressing utmost disappointment in his actions, there were better ways to inform him other than throwing random debris at people's faces.

When he woke up, suffering from a mild concussion, something inside him was also awakened. Impossible abilities beyond even his comprehension. For the first time in his 16 years of life, he felt alive.

Somewhere along the way, he met others who possessed similar powers as he does, though not entirely similar. The first he met was a girl his age at the local high school, who'd mistaken him as a fellow student and showed him around against his will. He thought nothing of her eccentric behavior, until she turned around and said hi to the school's tree.

This went on and on, until he confronted her about her oddness, but instead she stared at him as if he were the crazy one. To prove her point, she beckoned her hand towards the flora, and they answered. The tree's branches moving in spite of a windless afternoon, the flowers and vines growing in ridiculous speeds to twirl around her arm.

Solar was a rational, logical person. In this monotonous, predictable world, there is hardly anything that could surprise him, if at all. By this logic, he wasn't surprised in the slightest, only positively freaked out.

He and Thorn parted ways after their initial meeting, but not without profuse apologies from the flora elemental. It was funny how the universe worked. After learning of her name and face, he started picking her out from vast crowds and the general public more often. It was as if someone had pointed out a constant in his life, and he could no longer go anywhere without noticing the detail.

There were many constants in his life. One of them being a famous quote from a movie he'd watched in his spare time. With great power, says the protagonist in great emotional turmoil, comes great responsibility.

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