Chapter 6: Ironically Alive

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I step down from my podium, following the others to the elevator to leave the trial room. Numbly, I walk beside Gundham as we head towards the cabins until I notice a certain pink-haired boy sitting with his feet in the pool. 

I give the Ultimate breeder a tired smile, "Go on without me, I need to talk to someone." He looks over my shoulder with concern but nods nonetheless, "Okay, sure. I shall see you tomorrow, Palaemon." I nod and wave him off before approaching the poolside. I slide off my sandles and sit beside Soda, kicking my feet lightly in the warm water, "Hey." 

The shorter boy nods, not looking up from his oil-stained hands, "Hey..." I hand him my motive note '-This Ultimate Murdered both of their parents and framed it as an accident. -' The paper crinkles in the grip of the mechanic's hands, "I-Its... It's not as bad as it seems- well it's still bad but..." I look up at the starry sky, "Hey, I get it. Monokuma just makes it look worse, like with Mahiru. You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to." 

To my surprise he takes a shaky breath in, clearly anxious, "My parents...they were abusive. It only got worse when I came out and told them I liked boys...We argued and they went out for a drive, I hadn't finished fixing their car yet a-and their brakes failed, it really was an accident." I smile sadly at him, "I believe you. If it helps, I like guys too. You're accepted here." 

He smiles happily, showing off his spikey teeth, "Thanks M/n." I ruffle his hair through his beanie, "No problem, what are friends for? How are you by the way? You know, after everything? Are you feeling nervous?" He frowns, asking rhetorically, "Are you having fun? We're in a killing game for god's sake! Is it almost over?" I purse my lips, "It's just begun. So, despair's rising, like I give a shit. We just need to maintain hope!" I internally grimaced for quoting Nagito.

He pulls his beanie down, "It's like our lives are ending!" I wrap my arm around him solemnly, "Soda... sadly some already did. We can't stop it; the victims know we tried." I pull my legs out of the pool and stand up, "Let's get some rest, it's been a long night." Soda nods in agreement and we head towards our cabins. I enter my cabin which is between Nagito's and Gundham's. 

Almost immediately I fall asleep as soon as my body comes in contact with my bed. A dream. I was standing in a distorted bedroom. The layout was unfamiliar, a bed, a table, a singular trashcan and a door that was presumably a bathroom. The strangest thing, though, had to have been the big metal plates boarding up the windows.

I approach the door and turn the handle, but the door doesn't budge, initially I thought it was locked. Upon noticing no such feature, I realized that whoever's room I was currently standing in was unlucky enough to have a door that didn't fit right.

More forcefully I slam my shoulder into the door, yet it still remains closed, with all my strength the door flies open sending my body stumbling. I fall to my knees, a wet substance coating my skin. My eyes snap open seeing a pool of blood, just as I scramble back my surroundings change. I'm in a trial room, unfamiliar students surrounding me, as well as crossed out portraits similar to Ibuki's. 

A nearby monitor flickers to life showing Monokuma, "Wakey Wakey! Everyone needs to head to the park!" None of the students even spare a glance and then everything goes black.

I jerk awake with a start and look around in confusion. "I repeat, everyone to the park NOW!" Grumbling lowly, I tiredly walk out of my cabin, bumping into someone, "Sorry about that. Oh, hey, good morning, Hajime." The brunette just hums, clearly just as tired as everyone else, maybe even more so judging by the eyebags under his eyes. 

"Didnt get much sleep last night?" He shook his head no, "How could I? Two of our friends died yesterday." I grin cheekily, "Do you want me to carry you?" The shorter boy scrunched up his face, blushing. Not waiting for a response, you pick him up and hold him bridal style, causing the male to yelp, "Wha! M/n! Put me down!" Suppressing a laugh, I start walking again. Hajime, who had finally calmed down, started to slowly be lulled to sleep as his exhaustion set in. 

Once we reached the park, other Ultimates gave Hajime jealous looks as I gently jostle him awake. Then, the bear who had gathered us had appeared, "Now that everyone is here- Wait, no. A certain luckster seems to be missing! I refuse to start without EVERYONE witnessing my grandeur." 

"Just get on with it already, he'll show up eventually!" Peko nodded along with Hiyoko's words, "Agreed." Monokuma still wouldn't relent. "Uh... maybe we could wait for a while and see if he shows?" So, we did, for around 10 minutes. By then, everyone was getting antsy, particularly Akane and Nekomaru. Mahiru crosses her arms in a motherly way, "What did you two do?"

Nekomaru cleared his throat, "N-Nothing, I swear!" This caused the gymnast to tilt her head in confusion, "But we hid Nagito in-" Nekomaru tried to cover her mouth, but it was already too late. Hajime looked at the two, beyond perplexed "Eh? You... hid Nagito?" The coach frowned in defeat, "Yes, in the old building next to the hotel..." I furrowed my brows, 'Old building...? How did I not notice it?' Hajime pinched the bridge of his nose with exasperation. I sigh as well, "I'll go get him, be back in a jiff."

Once I push open the door to the old building, wrinkling my nose at the dusty air and squinting my eyes at the dim lighting. Stepping forward, my foot catches in one of the gaps in the floorboards. Someone should really fix that, that's a hazard.

Miraculously, I didn't trip as I move along the wall, navigating my way to the biggest room, luckily finding a light switch along the way. 

I push open the heavy door, "What the actual fuck..." The white-haired lucky student looked up and tried to face me as best as the chains binding him could allow, "Oh. Hi M/n." What the hell... Akane and Nekomaru chained him down.


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