Chapter 15

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Peeta POV
Im so depressed and upset. I haven't been communicating with anyone and Anne has taken Willow with her. Her and Prim take turns. Today I guess Prim has the baby since today is there date night.

I'm in the house all alone staring at the view of the forest. When I hear a knock on the door I stand up and walk to answer it. When I opened it I see Willow in Prim's arms crying and behind are her friends. She smiles at me and I smile back happy to see some company.

I them in and take Will ow from her arms. "So how have been?" Ask Prim. I smile a little and say. "Well at least I'm taking showers." She laughs and hugs me. Then heads to the kitchen. All her friends pull out blankets and food to watch movies. They always come over around this time to keep me company.

It's been two long depressing weeks since I have seen Katniss and I guess Prim thinks that I may hurt myself which I do but at the same time Katniss would not have wanted that. As on of the girls got up from the floor she squint her eyes at the path to the forest.

"Hey ummm Mr. Mellark is that a man walking into the forest with women garments." I look at Daisy which is her name and look at the spot she is pointing out and sure enough she is right. I stare confuse because our house is gated.

I then tell everyone that someone broke in and that our house is gated even half of the woods for Katniss can hunt. Then it hit me, we have a cabin in the woods for Katniss just in case she can't head home because of a storm or something.

I give Willow to Daisy and tell three guys to follow me. We then head out into the woods to follow the guy. We silently sort of walked through the forest following the stranger which lead to the cabin. And there I see her my beautiful Katniss.

Then I motion for them to role the camera. "Alright Katniss you can go and don't forget to kill Peeta and bring back his heart." I then see her nod and kiss him and run towards the house. I then Mark and Jacob to stay while Rye and me go and follow her. When we found her she had just killed an animal and was getting its heart.

I step out and go towards her. She looks up and runs towards me with tears. And she tells me everything.

Katniss POV
"I'll be right back bae." I look up from sweeping and smile at my fiancé and say "Alright. I love you." for some reason I feel as if I'm not supposed to love him. He smiles and leaves.

I finish sweeping and put the broom down in the cellar for some reason I get curious and go to cupboard to find a red liquid bottle that says Memory. For some reason I open it and smell it. I then drink it since it smelled like fruit punch and then I remember everything.

I quickly run upstairs to see I have been in the cellar for 30 minutes. Who knew I was thinking about drinking that bottle for that long. I then hear Gale call my name and say to myself "It's time to bring your acting back."

I walk out with a smile and Gale then says "Alright Katniss you can go and don't forget to kill Peeta and bring back his heart." I nod at him and kiss him remembering the plan he had discussed with me a couple of minutes ago. I then run off towards the house. I stop by a tree to get my bow and arrows with a knife in hand.

I then kill a deer and cut it open to get its heart. Then I hear a branch crack worrying it might be Gale I shoot my head with my bow and a loaded arrow ready to fly but then I see those beautiful crystal blue eyes I haven't seen in two weeks. I get up and to him and tell him everything.

I then see teenage boys running towards saying a low whisper "Peeta we called the police and there on there way. We also told them not to put there sirens and that you will lead them to the spot were Gale is."

We then quickly and sort of quietly run back. When we get there we see the police ready to go. Me and Peeta then lead them to the cabin. When we arrive the police took charge and came out with Gale in cuffs and Delly. They both have no pants or shirts only in their undergarments. They are put into a police car and taken to the station.

When we get to the house I look at Peeta and turn the knob to see the most weirdest most shocking thing I have ever seen.

Well I hope you guys enjoy I'm also updating on my other books to sorry I'm not on schedule but when I go on summer vacation then I will be updating more.

XOXO Gizelle

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