Chapter Nine: The Hall of Tales

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They landed inside the beautiful spikes of turquoise ice, following the lead of hundreds of various dragons that entered and exited constantly. Inside the shell of frost was a paradise. The ice let sun in but also let cold out, making it a lush oasis where all sorts of plants grew. It was a bit strange with the Bewilderbeast gone, there was an enormous pool of seawater in the centre of the construction where it used to lie down and watch the members of its kingdom. However, this pool had served useful, and Hiccup could spot the forms of fishing dragons in its cerulean waters.

"Whoooa," breathed Astrid, leaping off Stormfly and twirling in a circle as she tried to take in the magnificent view. Hiccup remembered that she had never been here before, only heard descriptions of the mightiest den of dragons.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" he said, dismounting Toothless and doing over to loop his arm in hers.

"Yes! I never imagined it as wonderful as this!" she exclaimed, smiling quickly at him, then turning away again to view the spectacle with shining eyes.

Hiccup grinned, happy at Astrid's obvious delight, and broke from her to go to his dragon.

"Toothless." he murmured, stroking his ear comfortingly. "Be the Alpha. Find out if she's here."

Toothless just looked at him miserably. The Night Fury had become more and more melancholy as they flew, and now he seemed like he had shrunk in on himself with anguish. It pained Hiccup to see the state his best friend was in.

When he registered his rider's words, however, a new energy took him, one that had been lost when Comet fled. He stood up straight, his head held high, and roared. The sound echoed throughout the Sanctuary, and thousands of dragon eyes turned to look at their Alpha. Hiccup was pleased to see a blue glow spread from his nostrils, up his head and down his back-spines, a signal that he was using his powers as the Alpha.

Once he was sure he had all the dragons' attention, he threw his head back and roared again. This time, however, it was not a call for the heed of his people, it was a question. Toothless was asking for his beloved Comet.

Myriad roars, screeches, squawks and bellows emanated from the many dragons in response, but with each one Toothless's ears drooped lower and lower. Hiccup recognized the signs: Comet was not here.

His Night Fury let the glow fade from his body and went to curl up around Hiccup. He saw that Toothless needed him right now, for a hug or a comforting word. It was then that Hiccup realized the true extent of his friend's loss: Toothless had loved Comet, and now she was gone. He had a hole in his heart that could only be filled by the female Night Fury, and there was nothing Hiccup could do about it that would help, accepting bringing Comet back alive.

Hiccup had an idea.

He gave Toothless a quick hug and crawled out of his friend's embrace, then went to face the dragons on a plinth of rock.

"Hiccup," hissed Astrid. "What are you doing?"

"I have an idea." he whispered back. "Just let me do this."

He turned back and yelled out into the cavernous Sanctuary:

"Listen! I am Hiccup Haddock Horrendous the Third, and I need your attention! My best friend is your Alpha, and you probably know that he is looking for another of his kind! We need your help. Please, please, please, if any of you know where we can get help, take us there."

Silence. He was painfully aware of the thousands upon thousands of blinking, slit-pupiled dragon eyes staring at him. He didn't even know if they could understand him at all.

"Was this a stupid idea?" he hissed in Astrid's direction.

"Most of your ideas are." she hissed back.

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