Chapter Seventeen | Troubles

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Before Leah reached the restaurant, I managed to stop her from walking inside

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Before Leah reached the restaurant, I managed to stop her from walking inside. I pulled her to the side so we wouldn't draw attention to us. I needed to know what or who she was running from. I had to know if she needed my help.

"What's going on, Leah?" I asked her

Leah looked away from me as she stepped back. I tried to hold her hand but she refused to let me.

"What do you mean?" She said flatly

I put my hands into my pockets and tried to not focus on her flat tone. I don't want to put any meaning into it.

"Leah! You were practically running away. And, it's not the first time. What happened earlier today? You were hiding from something."

Leah's eyes were becoming harder as her shoulders became tense. She pushed her fingers through her long brown hair, then rested her hands on her waist.

"I wasn't running from anything. You are imagining things. I am just hungry..."

"Leah!" I interrupted her

"Don't -Leah me-! I just told you that there is nothing happening. You are blowing things out of proportion."

I threw my hands up in the air and I stepped toward her.

"I am not blowing anything out of proportion, Leah. I saw you this morning! You saw the police at the roundabout and you tried to hide!"

Leah's face changed in a matter of seconds. Her whole body tensed and her eyes were cold and stoic.

"I am not hiding from the police." the warm depth of her voice turned cold, "I don't know what you are implying but ..."

"I am not implying anything!" I interrupted her, "I am just saying that if you need help I am here ..."

"I don't need your fucking help! I don't need no one's fucking help." She said with an octave higher.

"Leah, please I know ..."

She stepped back from me, the distance between us was growing colder and wider.

"You don't know shit! You don't even know me! Just because we talked a bit and we fucked, doesn't make you know me."

I couldn't say anything. Her words hurt me like hell, but I couldn't say anything to her. All the words I had in me just left me.

"We are fucking strangers, you know that right?" She said with a sarcastic laugh, "So let me break it down to you. I don't need your fuck help. I am not looking for a fucking savior. And, that's another thing that proves that you don't fucking know me."

I couldn't move at first. I just looked at Leah, my eyes on her, not moving. I felt myself glued to the ground. She looked back at me, her cold eyes were slowly gaining their usual warmth at the edge. She opened her mouth to talk but then she just decided not to.

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