Character Info

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Name: Mary Ann 

Age of death: 15 

Friends: Pretty much all the toys in the factory

Best Friends: Poppy, Huggy, and Bunzo 

Eye color: ruby red

Creation year: 1951

Species: Living doll/puppet (formally human)

Personality: caring, kind, quiet, shy, and always willing to risk her own life to save others

Likes: dancing, bringing joy to people and helping others

Dislikes: dark places, when others are in trouble and she can't help them, and loud noises  

Backstory: Mary Ann was once the daughter of one of the scientists who used to work at Playtime Co. She had become one of the experiments at the factory after falling extremely ill and close to death at age fifteen. After hearing the news about one of his employees children, Mr. Ludwig took an opportunity to persuade/trick Mary Ann's desperate father, who also worked for him, to turn his daughter into one of their living toy experiments as a way of saving her life. Desperate, Mary Ann's father agreed without truly realizing the consequences his actions would have. The experiment had in fact been completed but Mary Ann had lost her memories leading up to before she had fallen ill and as a result no longer remembered her own father or who she was. But one thing she never forgot was she had always been one to help others who were in trouble. And every time a new experiment was conducted, Mary Ann always tried to save them and stop the experiments. This in turn lead her to be locked away in a wooden box where she couldn't cause anymore "trouble" as they called it. She was labeled as a "danger to others" for trying to save those who were being turned into living toys against their will as she was certain she had and would've been disposed of if Poppy hadn't learned what was going to happen to her and rescued Mary Ann. The two have been the best of friends and inseparable ever since. 

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