How They Met; Huggy

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So I thought I'd start this book off by giving you guys some history in these chapters as to how Mary Ann came to know each of the toys at the factory before I get to the actual events in the game itself. Feel free to leave a request as to which toy you want me to do next. May or may not make a chapter for Poppy since I kinda gave you guys a bit of background on that. Anyway, enjoy the chapter!

It was a dark, stormy night at Playtime Co., Mary Ann was sneaking around through the vents trying her best not to make a sound. She knew she shouldn't have come back down here. Not after the scientists had originally locked her away in the wooden box to possibly be disposed of. But she couldn't help it. She wanted....needed to know what other sorts of experiments they were conducting. What new toys they were trying to create. Mary Ann felt that it was wrong, VERY wrong what they were doing. She felt saddened and sorry for all those who were being experimented on against their will. She wanted to try and bring whatever comfort she could to these new toys, whoever and whatever they were. She might be powerless to stop these experiments on her own, but she at least wanted to bring whatever comfort she could to these new toys. They must be feeling sad, scared, confused, and possibly even angry all at once. Many if not all of them had no one to turn to when they needed it most. And Mary Ann decided she was going to be that person....well, toy, who would lend them a shoulder to lean and cry on. No matter how temporary it would be seeing as though she herself couldn't risk getting caught again. But she'd never abandon someone in need of any sort of comfort and she would try and sneak back in to see them as often as she could so the toys wouldn't feel like they'd been abandoned all over again. She just couldn't bear putting them through that sort of pain and loneliness all over again. Mary Ann found a small vent where light seemed to e coming through. Curious, Mary Ann tilted her head and slowly crawled forward. She flinched and moved back slightly when she heard what sounded like growling. What on earth where they making now? Some sort of bear? "Help! It won't listen to my commands!" she heard someone yell. Possibly one of the scientists. Mary Ann slowly moved forward and watched from the vent as a giant, blue toy covered in fur with yellow hand and feet seemed to approach him. Wait...were those razor sharp TEETH in its mouth!? Mary hand had to cover her mouth and bit down hard on her porcelain skin to keep from screaming when a loud POP! filled the vents. She wasn't a fan of loud noises thank you kindly. Being locked in a wooden box in nothing but complete darkness has a way of doing that to a person. Living toys included. She heard talk about them trying one more time. Mary Ann never like the sound of that. She didn't like seeing toy or human alike having to go through any sort of pain. She would watch them for days from the safety of the vents. Always careful not to make a sound to draw attention to herself. Until one day, she saw on of the nurses wheel in a man strapped one a table and set him next to another, exact version of the toy she saw a few days earlier. Mary Ann could make out that he was one of the scientists himself. The only features she could really make out about him besides the white lab coat, was the gray looking hair on top of his head. 'Oh, that poor man.....' she thought sadly and gently placed her hand one the metal grate of the vents as her ruby eyes saddened. They were so desperate to get this experiment right they would use the life of one of their own to ensure that it worked. It took her a while, but she found the cell the new toy was being held in. She wanted to visit him like she did every other experiment that managed to survive. Mary Ann moved the vent to the side and peered inside. There were bloody claw marks covering the walls and Mary Ann found the large, Blue toy standing in front of a picture of someone. "Hello?" she called/whispered out to him. "Huh, w-who are you?' he asked turning around to look up at her and Mary Ann could see some kind of mask around his face. "My name's Mary Ann. What's yours?" she asked giving him a kind smile. "Huggy Wuggy." he said sitting down pulling his long legs up to his chest and wrapped his equally long arms around his legs. "Huggy Wuggy? What a silly name. I like it, it suits you." she said with a small giggle. "I....You do?" he asked looking up at her in surprise. Mary Ann nodded and continued to smile at him. "Would you like me to stay for a while and keep you company? You look like you could use it." she said laying down on her stomach inside in the vent. She couldn't exactly risk jumping down and bleeding. That would certainly if not definitely raise suspicion that she had been here. "Y-You would do that?" he asked looking up at her with hopeful eyes as if she were playing some sort of trick on him. "Of course! I know what it's like to be locked away with any chance of escape. That's why I always hide in the vents, so I don't get caught and possibly destroyed. The scientists think I'm a threat because I always try to help the ones they experiment on however I can. But that doesn't stop me. Ever since I was created, there's always been a part of me....a part of me that doesn't want to simply give up. A part of me that wants to help all these experiments however I can. I don't like seeing the pain they go through so I want to bring comfort to them however I can. Even if it's just sitting around talking with them so they don't feel like they're alone." she explained sadly before another smile graced her lips. "Don't worry, Huggy, I'm not going any where. Even if I do, I'll always find a way to find you, because I don't want you to have to experience the pain of being alone with no one to comfort you like I did before I met Poppy. And that's my promise. Not just to you but to everyone whose been turned into a toy against their will. I promise to stay by your side whenever I can so you never have to feel alone in this world ever again...." 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2022 ⏰

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