1:11 We're Gonna Need The Spotlight

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We're Gonna Need The Spotlight
Part 3

We're Gonna Need The SpotlightPart 3————

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Landon looked at Hope and you. "Great. So we just have to find a way to electrocute every student in the school without killing them." Landon said in a super happy tone, he was being sarcastic.

"If we don't, they're dead anyway." Dorian pulled out his phone. "I'm gonna call Ric." Dorian said before exiting the hall.

We all turn around to see Rafael walking out. "My name is Rafael, and my talent is spoken word poetry." Rafael then took a seat on the stage.

You and Landon both groaned as you heard that. "Oh, no. He promised he wouldn't do this again." Landon said, you nodding in agreement.


Snapping all around the room was heard until he raised his hand for them to stop. "Stillness." Rafael started, the cello behind him started playing one note. "A light breaks inside." Then two notes. "Unity." One note. "And division." And another. "Tension." Rafael looked around.

"Suddenly, I remember why I didn't want to be in the talent show." Hope stated to you. You nodded in agreement.

"All these wolves staring at me, waiting for the answer. Expectation is a cancer. Oh, you can't, sir? Then who will?" The bass was strumming after Rafael said that. Rafael then looked up to see you three just watching, he put his hand out for the strummer to stop. "Two brothers and one sister brought up together. Then one's left behind because he's no longer needed. Violence inside of me. Inside, I'm, I'm bleeding." Rafael started.

You looked at Rafael, confused. "What's he talking about?" Hope questioned but neither of you answered but instead just looked at her before looking back at Raf.

"And I can't believe what I'm feeling, since the moment you danced with me." Rafael said, looking at Hope. "Buried so deep, rising up, enchanting me." Rafael slowly got out of his seat. "And it won't go away. And I was never jealous of anything that you had until today." He shut his eyes closed as if he was in pain. "And why is that artifact here? Monsters coming, people running. Ask for answers, always nothing." Some of the students started getting out of their seats. You and Hope looked at each other before back to Raf. "I say we get rid of it." Rafael whispered, pointing up at as as his eyes turned greened.

All the students in the hall then turned to you. They then all started moving out of their seats and started coming for you. "So they're all infected?" You questioned but it was more of a statement.

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