Chapter 10

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Kiss & Tell pt.2 


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Lorelai sent the girls off to get coffee from luke's. And While they were off she took it upon herself to invite Dean over for the movie night. Rory was freaking out, rightfully so. She is having her first date with her mother and sister there.

Rory made Delilah invite Alex over to make it less awkward. So now it was Delilah and Alex chilling on the couch, while Rory and her mom sat on the floor waiting for Dean to show up. The table is full of junk food.

It's pass the time when Lorelai told him to get there. Rory was getting nervous, "What time did you tell him to get here?"

" Seven." Lorelai said

" Maybe something happened. Maybe he's not coming." Rory said

"Maybe he's just late, Miss German train." Delilah said nudgeing her with her foot

Lorelai goes to the window and looks out, "Oops."

"What?" Rory joins Lorelai at the window. Dean is standing in the yard next door talking to Babette. Morey is leaning out the window. "They've got Dean."

"Wait here." Lorelai said going out to save Dean.

Dean makes it inside and takes off his jacket. And he heads to the living room. "I'm sorry I'm late. I got here like a half hour ago."

" We believe you." Rory and Delilah said at the same time

"We'd believe you if you said you got here three hours ago." Lorelai added coming in through the side door

The three of all stand there for a minute. While Delilah and Alex stay on the couch.

"So, Dean, how do you like it here in Stars Hollow?" Lorelai finally asked to break the silence

"I like it. It's quiet, but nice. I like all the trees everywhere." Dean shrugged

"Yeah, the trees are something," Lorelai nodded, " When Rory was little, she found out that one was called a Weeping Willow so she spent hours trying to cheer it up. You know, like telling it jokes and -- " She paused when she saws Delilah shaking her head and Rory mouthing stop

"No, I'm sorry that was Delilah," Lorelai tried to cover herself, " Would you like a tour of the house?"

" OK." Dean shrugged

"OK. So this is the living room where we do our living and, um, upstairs is my room and the good bathroom." Delilah quickly got up and flipped all the embrassing photos around, as their mom continued talking as she showed Dean the kitchen" And is right through here. You ever heard a fridge yodel before?"

"Thank you." Rory whispered before following them. Delilah was about to sit back down with Alex when their was a knock at the front door.

Alex and Delilah go to answer it thinking it was the pizza guy.

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