Chapter 8

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Expect the Unexpected 

Expect the Unexpected 

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Delilah didn't completely think it through. But she knew she didn't want to stay at that party and she figured a teenager that had as much money as Tristin had a car. So now she was sat in his BMW, driving the 30 minute drive to her house.

They sat in silence, Tristin would look over at Delilah occasionally, but Delilah kept her eyes on the road. She didn't want to have the awkward small talk, she just wanted to get home. She realized that she should probably call her mom so she wouldn't worry.

"Can I use your cell phone?" Delilah asked, breaking the silence

Tristin reached in his pocket and handed Delilah his phone. She quickly dialed her mom's number and it went to voice mail.

"Hey mom I got a ride home from a girl in my algebra class, I'll call you back when I get home" Delilah said and hung up.

Tristin had a smirk on his face and laughed a little which irritated Delilah, "What are you laughing about?"

"Why did you have to lie to your mom about me?" He questioned looking over at her.

"Cause if I said I got a ride home from a boy I would never hear the end of it" Delilah said facing her window and looked at cars passing by.

"So why did you want to leave your own party so fast?" He asked looking back at the road.

"I didn't want to go to that party in the first place" Delilah scoffed

"What do you mean?"

Delilah sighed, "I don't know anyone at the school, so why would I want to have a party with them?"

"I guess that's true" Tristin said, they went silent again. Delilah really didn't feel like talking about the party anymore, or her grandparents, or chilton. she just wanted to pretend all of that stuff didn't exist. She also realized at she hadn't eaten anything all night, and she was starving.

"Are you hungry?" Delilah asked suddenly.

"Um...sure" Tristin said

"Great. get off of the highway somewhere" Delilah told him looking at the signs to see if any restaurants were close

"Aren't we going to eat in your town?" He asked confused 

Delilah burst out into laughter, "if I brought you to my town there would be a whole two hour decision about it at the next town meeting"

"Town meetings?" 

"Oh yes, they happen every couple weeks. Taylor lectures about how the town is going to ruins. It's very entertaining" Delilah joked, "Ohh! Get off at the next exist!"

Tristin laughed and got off at the next exist, Delilah directed him to a small little restaurant. The restaurant was closed. Every where else they tried to go to was either closed or on a huge wait. So When Tristin finally drive Delilah to Star's Hollow and saw that Luke's was open he parked the car at the curb excitedly.

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