Chapter 13

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It was madness inside Patty's dance studio

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It was madness inside Patty's dance studio. everyone was getting ready for the Christmas play. There were people in customs and set pieces being moved around. Lorelair and Rory still weren't on good terms after the Dean situation. Alex and Delilah haven't even spoken since the dance. And Emily was mad at Lorelai for kicking her out. Needless to say it had been a very emotionally draining few days.

People please pay attention," Miss Patty called out, "Now, I want my before mary over here. And my after mary over here. Wise men, shepherd, line up for the processional... uh, I only have half a donkey? I need the rest of the Donkey!"

Miss Patty walks by Lorelai whos is trying to pin Kirk's  costume. "Ow" Kirk whined. 

"Hod still kirk," Lorelai sighed trying to focusHOLD STILL, KIRK.

"you stuck me" 

"did not stick you"

"you did too" Kirk whined 

"Ok, be quiet now" lorelai said getting annoyed

Rory and delilah were busy looking for the baby jesus arm and getting into a argument with Taylor cause they were here in the 1950s.

Delilah sighed and looked over to where Alex was. He had on this green flannel, with the top buttons undone so you could see the white tan top he had on. He had on his regular rings as well.

He looked over and saw she was already staring at him. he just turned away. not even a eye roll, like she wasn't worth the effort of getting mad. 

They haven't talked since the night of the dance. It was killing delilah, she couldn't focus on anything. All she wanted to do was go back to the way things were.

Trisitan was on her mind as well. She had knew that he got on her last nerve but she also couldn't deny that spark that was there. but she didn't want to lose Alex or it.

everyone was leaving for the day and the three gilmore girls started their quiet walk home

"find the arm?" their mom asked

"nope" the girls said at the same time

"It's beging to look a lot like christmas"


Delilah knew that she would have to talk to Alex eventually. She missed him so much, but she just didn't know what to say.

They have never had this type of tension in their friendship before. She felt so guilty for everything that happened at the dance.

She decided to just go over to his house the next dayand have it out. It was gonna be hard but they could get past this. They had to get past this. She stood outside his front door and knocked. His mom answered the door. 

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