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name: izuku midoriya

age: 28+

race: true dragon 
ancient kind of dragons that are capable of using the ancient magical magic of dragons. in the current day they are a near extinct species compare to lesser dragons that roam the world.

occupation: S rank advanturer. 

height: 6'5, (1.95m)


thu-um: verbal magic only true dragons are capable of. most modern dragons can only use 1 thuum while true dragons can use more.

adept elemental magic, minor healing magic, adept defensive magic. minor enchantment
magic is a natural phenomena 

super strength: as a dragon, izuku possesses highly enhanced strength, speed and durability and hightened senses.

recovery: his body recovers faster than other races, he also possess minor enhanced regeneration.

night vision: due to his nature as a natural born predator, he can see in the dark as if it still the daytime. 


greatsword: a heavily enchanted greatsword capable of producing lightning. it is extremely sharp and durable. it is made from a heavy alloy that is too heavy for humans. one on the cover

magical backpack, 10X the storing capacity than a regular backpack of its size. it is still extremely big.

regular clothes and a cape

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