The tryouts trialthon. (part 1 )

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I jumped in my seat spilling my orange juice on my sandwich. Ooh! how I loved orange flavored B.L.T's!

I glared at Andy with narrowed eyes. She snickered and sat down opposite me. Lily giggled and sat down beside her causing me to roll my eyes.

It had been a week and half since the start of senior year.

A week and a half since Sam had become our bum chum

A week and a half since Andy had joined school and become our friend.

And a week and a half since Lilly and I had been struggling with our new found popularity.

A week and a half was enough for me to know that Andy was a right ass bitch. She was a total player, she had only been here a week and a half and she had already dated and dumped Tyler Martin, Austin welling and Luke o'shea. she sat in detention four times in this week. twice for chewing gum in class, once for eating a lollipop and once for back answering the teacher. She had gone to the principal's office thrice. Once for vandalizing Tyler's shiny black Porsche with pink lipstick, once for entering the biology lab a whole forty five minutes late and once for almost dislocating Austin's jaw. Yeah, you could say she was violent!

"earth to stanley!" she said, snapping her fingers in front of my face.

I blinked and then glared at her. suddenly out of nowhere a long gangly hand snatched her BLT out of her tray.

"hey" she whined "that's my sandwich!"

"It's only fair" retorted sam sitting beside me.

We fist bumped while Andy tried to make a desperate grab for her sandwich. Tried being the key word here, for sam grabbed it out of her way and thrust it into my hand. Yup! no thanks to and my awful reflexes.

"lick it" he ordered while she shrieked flailing to get it in her hand.

I took my tongue out slowly, my gaze trained on her.

" you wouldn't" she whispered horrified.

I gave her a smug smile and licked the entire length of the sandwich watching her eyes widen in horror. She sighed In defeat.

Lily was almost choking on her orange Juice with laughter and Sam chuckled.

Before we knew it we all four were clutching our tummies as tears of mirth rolled down our cheeks. After our bout of hysterics we sat eating our lunches in silence.

In case you were wondering Andy didn't eat the orange soaked BLT, she ate her potato wedges and half of Lily's tuna salad, while Lily took two or three bites from mine.

Lily and Andy had hit it off very well, they were best of friends and went everywhere together. I wasn't psissed with Andy for taking my best friend away from me though. I was still very close to Lilly, only she now had someone to do the girls stuff with for I was sick of being her pretend faghag.

Sam and I had a lot in common, we shared our love for video games, engineering and Lego, and our hate for the popular crowd. Let's just say I found a buddy.

"so Stanie....I was thinking.." , Lily said breaking me out of my reverie.

"hmm?" I said looking up at her.

"I'm going to try out for the cheer leading squad again this year. Afterall there is no one to do Elisa's vaults."

"are you sure? I mean you remember what they did to you last time, don't you? Theyre bitches lilith"

"yeah, I remember but I want to do this so bad! And Chloe's the head cheerleader not Cynthia." she answered with a smug smile.

"Then go for it, Monroe!" I said, reassured.

Chloe was an overly hyperactive, bouncy, Afro-american chick, who didn't have the time, energy, patience or inclination to be mean. She gave everyone a chance.

"will you come with me? " Lily asked, her grass- green eyes, hopeful.

"Sure thing! I'll be there to cheer my Lilith-bear on!" I said with a playful wink.

"But the try-outs are today, Stan."


"Today's the 18th."

"oh shit!"

"what's today?" asked Andy, mildly curious.

"I have to take my mom somewhere." I muttered.

"How 'bout this?" Andy stated." Sam can take my bike, pick your mom up and take her where she needs to go. You and I will stay with lily. We'll ask Chloe to take her tryout first. Then lily will take us to your mom in her car, and go home or whatever. And Sam and I'll go home on my bike. Ta-da"

I got to give it to her, that solution made perfect sense.

" i'll talk to my mom." I mumbled, hoping against hope that this would work out as I dialled her number on my phone.

" hi honey!" my mum answered cheerfully on picking up.

" hi. Can my friend Sam take you to the lawyer today? I'll be late."

" sure Stanie-boy. But don't tell me you got a detention again."

" I didn't, dont worry. Lily's trying out for the cheer leading squad again this year. I need to be there's for her mum."

" Oh alright sweetheart. Now tell me how this Sam looks."

" Well, he's tall and gangly. Has messy black hair that you are not allowed to comment on, green eyes, blue t-shirt, brown jacket, jeans, on a red Harley Davidson. Mom will you be able to manage on a bike?" I teased.

" Stanley William Glacey! How old do you think I am?" she chastised.

" 80."

" bye honey! " she laughed.

"bye mom."

" we'll that's set." I told the others. The bell rang signaling the end of lunch, and the four of us walked off in different directions towards our next classes.


I liked portraying Stan and lily's and Stan and his mom's relationship. :D

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