When You Hear About Them

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From your parents:...

"... And then I was like, sir, that color tie doesn't light your eyes up and makes them all plain dull!" Your sister tells her day in the dinner table while your parents listens with full attention. "But the old man just talk back at me as if he was the big thing! I mean, who is he? Chris Evans?!" She whined with a shout as you could only flinch.

Well, having a older sister who studies to be a model while you were only a book worm and dreams to be a photographer also.

"Oh hoho S/N, even if you may be right but remember that at every work, 'the client is always right'." Your mother told the older daughter. "While you work at that clothing store till you finish your modeling class, you might as well hold it in." She adds.

"Waaah but it's not fare! I'm the future Miss Universe!" S/N whines pounding the table a few times.

You could only listen while enjoying your dinner silently, afraid in opening your mouth to speak your mind.

"ahem, then now, y/n?" your father then called you, most to your surprise. "Got anything you want to speak of about your day?" He asked with a warm smile.

You ducked your gaze as you noticed both mother and sister glare at you as the man of the house changed the topic to you.

"W-well, I finally got the chance get A scholarship for my photography classes so I can get a camera and a private studio on campus." You smiled happily on the memory of good news as your father also gave an approval nod.

"ah, that's good news my child, I see that you're getting better in your grades and-"

"Hah, want good does with you studying such stuff? That kind of thing is so...Manly and a waste of time for a girl like you. You should study in being a model or at least a housewife!" your mother mentioned with a scoff, cutting your father off.

"She doesn't have to do so if she doesn't wishes to, if doing photography if what makes her happy then that's fine by me." Your father said with approval.

Your mother and sister could only gasp in offense.


"Any way-" He then poke up again before the duo could say another word and the arguing could began. "I heard there had been some people getting missing all of the sudden and still not located, found or even seen again." He then mentioned getting your full attention at this.


"Yes, so I would like it if you three, mostly you two," eyeing his wife and older daughter. "into not getting home too late and be before 9pm if not call me to inform that you'll be getting late and either go pick you up or be on guard. They don't have any image on how they may look except that some say that their mutants like creatures, so be in the look out if any case."

"Yes father/Daddy/dear."


From school:...

As the teacher was doing their thing in class while your classmates are either, dozing off, slacking, whispering with each other or doodling in their notebook.  You on other hand, was writing down notes on the board or important words that the elder mentions in case you may need to know and be asked of them later on.

"Now then." He then stopped on what he was saying putting down his chalk on the side with a loud click which clearly caught everyone's attention. "As some of you may have known, there had been unusual activities happening late at night since some time now about some sudden mutant creatures appearing here in New York. So the school principal had asked us teachers, to inform everyone of you that school may end early and every after class activities may be temporary canceled to avoid any kind of danger. So we ask every one of you that after school hours, all must go straight to your homes and avoid staying too late out."

"I heard, there had been some strange figures appearing only at night and fighting crimes like some kind of ninjas or what so eves." You then heard from behind you as two of your classmates whispers to each other.

"No way!"



From an friend:...

"Got everything as usual although I couldn't get any cheddar cheese since they were all out so I had to go to a Mexican store and get a Chihuahua cheese that my family usual buy for their Mexican food... So tell me again why you always ask me to get you these ton of groceries if you only live alone?" You asked your good old friend and neighbor from across the street.

"o-oh, it's nothing important!" April said waving it off. "Just something like favor for some friends, ya know."

You titled your head a bit. "Okay... but in case of anything else just give me a call okay." You then told her with a kinda force smile.

"Sure thing amiga!" April grinned as give the traditional goodbye hug and side cheek kiss in Mexico.

"Adiós, April." You waved off and make your way down the stairs.

'Wonder who these friends are that they can't even go and buy their own food and stuff...' you thought as you waited on the side walk till every care passes by and have a chance to cross over.


Security park Guards:...

"Aagh, can't believe it happened again!"

"it's the fifth time this week already."

You passed next to the park guards as they complain yet again about some rebel gangs. Stopping on your tracks and get a better view on why of their worries. You look up at the main back wall of the park gate to see a huge childish yet cool graffiti sprayed on the brick.

Taking out your skitch book quickly and doodle on the image as fast as you can, before the guards began taking out their paint rollers and repaint the wall to its original plain dull white wall.

"Seriously the damn camara can't focus on the face to see who this brat is! All it gets is an orange like mask on their face and there to it!"

"Yeah and that same turtle costume as always."

'a turtle?' you thought on their conversation and look down on your page, it doesn't look like the graffiti but it had the same outlines but without notice you had also drew some funny like turtle figures and shells here and there as some finish touches.

'... Gets it won't hurt if I try redoing the work and come back...' And plan in set you turned away and began adding some touches here and there on the drawing while thinking on when you can come back fast to get your favorite wall back before this mystery guy does.

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