When You're Too Exhausted

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You arrived home tired, hands filled with shopping bags, phone turned off by low battery while both sister and mother walked pass you with only a bag or two in hand as both were at ease, chattering about the new trend of clothing and makeup.

"Just leave the bags at our room and go to your room before dinner time." Your mother said with a glance.

You huffed out tired and did as told, already feeling your veins about to pop out with the weight.

Leaving the bags in each one of their rooms, you then made your way to yours and plop down in your bed, body screaming for its warmth but as you did...

"Aaagh." It. Did. Not. Helped.

Knock knock

Hearing the familiar tap from your window, you then tried sitting up from your soar state, making your way to the window, with all your might opening it but just as you did...

"What happened to your arms?!" Raph asked panic as his large hand grabbed hold of your arm.

Looking down to see that from your wrist to your elbow, was all red as a few lines of swollen skin could be seen.

"I-It's nothing. I'm... I'm okay. I just went shopping with my mother and sister." You tried brushing it off, pulling your arm from his hold and tried hiding it.

Ralph stare down at you, noticing a pair of deep dark bags underneath your e/c, before he then let out a sigh, stepping inside as he suddenly picked you up bridal style.

You let out a small yelp as you didn't want to attract attention from your family who were just downstairs.

He carries you towards your bed as he sat down, legs crossed he carefully put you in between his legs.

"R-Raph... Whoa-what are you... Doing?" You tried asking in a shuttering mess.

You then noticed how he reach out from his belt pouch, taking out a small container, popping the lid open, grabbed hold on one of your arms and applied the cream that was inside.

You winced on the burning sensation but held it in, allowing him to continue feeling the cream began to cool down the surface.

Finishing on doing the same thing to the other arms, Raph then put the container back to his pouch and gently wrapped his arms around your small figure.

Without any word, you blinked a few times to process on what was happening, till a huge yawn suddenly escaped from your mouth, not noticing the tiredness that you had.

Leaning on his chest and touch, your eyes then began to close slowly. "Just sleep." Was what you heard from him before sleep overcome and you finally fell asleep.

(feel like something is missing but knew that I'll be taking much longer on Raph part... Welp, hope this well do for now °3°)


Running down the path of the park, you had decided in taking a few rounds around the place to ease your mind.

Your parents were arguing again about your studies and your sister modeling classes, which was obvious who were arguing with what, while your sister gets in the argument and adds that her future was more important and stuff.

So here you were, outside, taking a run to ease your urge to cry and to be honest you have hours there, nonstop.

You were about to make the 20th round, ignoring the yelling pain of your legs screaming at you to stop but just kept on going.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2022 ⏰

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