When You Meet Him

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Walking home late, you had to stay after class to do some tutoring for some classmates who asked for it but was clearly looking for an excuse to stay after class for who know why.

Texting your father that you finally finished the tutoring and are heading straight home.

While walking you then passed by an old ally that you never had ever went in but this time, a large shadow hand reached out from the darkness and grabbed you from the back collar, yanking you towards it.

Shrieking at the sudden action for attention, you were then thrown inside what seems to be a sack of potatoes, feeling how you were then lifted in mid air only to crash into what's felt like a wall.

"H-hey! What- what's going on?! Let me go! Let me go, please!!" You shouted in fear, tears forming at the corner of your eyes and barely wanting to fall. "Father! Help me daddy! Please! Anyone please help me!! ANYONE!!" You shouted with the top of your lungs but unfortunately didn't get any respond.

With the shock and fear you then ended up fainting and eventually lost consciousness.

Whining a bit, a sweet scent caught your nose as you flatter your eyes open, looking around a bit as you rub your eyes. Only for them to widen in horror.

You were sitting inside of a huge size pot, filled with what seems to be ingredients of making a soap but not does that caught your attention but, you yourself too.

'we-where is my clothes?!' you then thought, covering yourself with what you can with only your arms and hands, legs crossing. Looking over the corner of your eyes as you then spotted what's used to be your clothes all shattered into smaller pieces.

Too deep in thought, you jumped at the loud sound of loud thuds of what seems to be footsteps and without a second later a very large figure appeared before you, a mutant like hog stood there with a wide toothy sharp grin looking down at your extremely small form.

"Haha, with just a snif of the air it can already tell that this dish shall be one of my best one yet!" He laughed a few chuckles.

'D-d-dish?!' you then began try to back away far from him into the pot but unfortunately with the touch of your back with the edge said otherwise.

You then let out a yelp of pain as your h/l h/c was harshly grabbed by a large hand and pulled you up in mid air, most of your half body out of the soup, forgetting that you were still bare naked but didn't care as the pain of your locks being yank stings.

"Now, let's prepare to began, shall we lil gali?" With that, you saw how the mutant then reach out for a huge size meat hammer that just sat patiently aside.

Tears streaming down from your wide eyes in horror, you witness how first he gets prepare by carefully pointing the weapon close to your abdomen, it's freezing cold surface giving you more goosebumps then you ever had before, before he then raised it above its head.

"P-p-please don't! Please!" You try to beg to get to him but it was obvious that your please never got to him at the end.

Seeing how the hammer then came down with all might. "NOOOOAAAH!!!"


Everything went to fast as your whole body then drop down into the pot, the warm liquid almost choking you as it didn't gave you time to breath in some air and had to swallow some of it. (seriously that I would have puke right there cause with just the thought I was IN it... Nyaaaaaah nuuuuuu)

Hurrying to get to the surface once again, you gasp in a deep breath as you got there, coughing a bit in the process and also pull back a few strands of hair out from your face.

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