When He Thinks Of You

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This is his point of view after meeting you
Turtle love 🐢💕


It's been a week or so since the day he saved you and for some reason, he can't get you out of him mind. Well duh, you just saw our poor y/n bare naked!!! Whip ya'll mind!!!

Beside the trauma that you had to pass on the short time on barely being smashed to death... And also being seen bare naked to not only by another mutan but your savior.

"AAGH!!" Ralph let out an annoyed groan as he thrown a hit on the punching bag, breathing heavily, forehead leaning on the bag as his sweats drops down from his face to the floor.

"What's going on with me?" He mumbles with a palm on his face.

He can't forget the embarrassed yet relief expression you had when you were released from SweetMeat, with him having to calm you down yet again, explaining that he wouldn't be of any harm and only wants to help.

Although he was relief when you had calm down, he had to admit that he did find it cute on how you then tried covering yourself with sinking deep in the pot.

By the time that you had to get home, he had handed over a sweater of his for the meantime as he took you straight to your bedroom window.

"... And I don't even know her name." He then thought out loud scratching the back of his head.


Leo was laying on his bed, reading a comic book... Or so he was trying.

It's been days since he crash landed on that alleyway and met you and no matter what he tries or do, he can't erase your image from his mind.

The moment that he felt you shake him to check on him, he could still remember how your eyes widen not in shock of fear or horror but of surprise, your big around e/y Eyes shining beneath the brightness of the moon, and, not knowing if it was his imagination or not, but, apparently he must have seen stars twinkling withen them.

"Aaaaaaagh!! Since when had I been so cursi?!" He shouted punching the air and eventually lost his valence and fell backwards, landing off the bed.

Even with the sound of a thud coming from his room, his brothers didn't bother to enter as they thought that it was one of his moments of drama.

Having fallen on his head, legs in the air, Leo ignored the thumbing feeling in his head and crossed his arms over his chest, pouting.

"I just Had to flee instantly and not have asked her name first... Idiot!"



"Cough! Cough!" Donnie ran out from his lab, waving a hand in the air to clear out the smoke from his last invention that just exploded. "Come On! Not again!" He argued with frustration and began rampaging with his head.

"That's the 7th time this pass two days!!" Mikey whispered from the kitchen as both Ralph and Leo lean over too.

Donnie let out another groan of frustration before going back to his lab, turning on the fan to clear out the room from the remaining smoke.

Plopping down on his chair, head thrown back as he faces up, Donnie stares at the ceiling as his minds once again wonders somewhere else.

Just two days ago he had met the very first human, in exeption in Abril, to never scream in fear when seeing him.

In fact, you had blushed at his appearance and went on looking at the clothes, while also acting as a couple for in case the guard would come back.

He lost count of time while being with you just randomly looking through the clothes, he would also take a few sneek glance at you as at one point he noticed that you did too.

He chuckled on how you flinch in embarrassment and turned away while he noticed how even your ears turned a deep shade.

Although you two didn't talked, but for Donnie, only being around you made his short time there to be the best of all times, but sadly receiving a call from his brothers made that moment to end and he eventually had to part.

"Why didn't I at least asked her name?!!"


Popping his head from behind a tree then back, leaping towards a different tree, did the exact same thing then again and again.

Why was Mikey doing this for the pass few weeks? Well, he was hopping that he could get the chance to at least in seeing you again at the park.

Since that day, words didn't had the chance to be exchange as Mikey had to scurry away, leaving you dumbfounded, there, alone. And man, did he regret doing that.

Every time he wanted to draw, graffiti or sketch something, he ends up drawing you without realizing and had to either erase or hide it before anyone else could notice, especially his brothers.

He still remembers how the touch of your small yet warm hands came in touch with his, your small palm with his large three fingered rough hands.

Looking down at his hand which came in touch with yours, Mikey let out a sad sigh with a pout as he hugged his knees close, while sitting at the top of a skating rail.

"I wonder if her name is as pretty as her face."

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