When You Meet Again

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It's been weeks since you were saved by that mutant Snappy Turtle, and you can't forget about him,and don't know how to contact him... Only to return his sweater of course. Yeah right and I'm a space ranger xD

Going to your closet to yet again take out a hanger that held the specific red over sized large sweater, you held it in your arms for a few moments there standing before going to your bed and plopping down.

You wonder if you could at least return his sweater back before your mother or sister see and began asking questions. Though, since that day, you had told your father everything that had happen since he had found you sitting on the floor of your room with nothing else but that sweater and panic on what happened since he didn't noticed you entering from the front door.

He was relief that you were save but with the fact that another mutant a had saved you still doesn't get to him and still doubts...

Closing your eyes a bit to take a small short nap but they didn't last a minute till a sudden tap from the window caught your attention, opening them again.

Turning around to looking over to see how a large shadow figure stood there.

Normally, it would scare the sht out of you but for some reason, not this time.

Without even noticing, you had scurry your way from the bed to the window, sweater still in hand, before you then throw the curtains apart, heart bounding like never.

"I-it's you!" You said as the snappy turtle sat on your window rail.

He did jump a bit of your quick respond but then grin sheeply as he noticed your eyes shining with glee.

He watches how you try opening the window, thankfully it was wide enough for him to fit through. "H-hey. I-uh... Just came to check up on how you doing." he said as he leap inside.

His gaze notice a familiar item in your arms as a small blush decorated his face. "And I see that you still have my sweater with ya." He grinned.

You could only blush madly as respond as it was embarrassing to have him see how you were clinging onto something his as you then tried thinking something to change of subject.

"A-anyway, I never really get your name." You asked making your way towards your bed and took a seat on the edge. "I'm Y/N."

He followed suit and seeing the size of your bed and yours, he chuckled at even with the bed you seem too small, but he decided to take a seat on the floor to be able to face you at the same eye level.

"Ralphael but my brothers calls me Ralph." He says with a toothy grin.

"Ralphael." You tested out his name with your own mouth, only for it to make the poor turtle to blush.

Just hearing you say his name made Ralph heart to skip a beat, and it felt great to hear you say it with your voice.

Giving one of his toothy smiles Ralph chuckles.


You let out a bored sigh as you look over your bedroom window, curtains opens and the fresh air sending a cool breeze touch your face.

You were bored with nothing to do as you had finished your homework early then expected and your house chores, for it only being cleaning your room and closet.

So now, there you were, looking out at the window in deep thought...

"I found you!!"


ROTTMNT x reader (Boyfriend Scenarios) Where stories live. Discover now