When He Comes Over

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After a hard time at patrolling at night, Raph would come by to hang out with you and both would tak about your day, although you would be the one t listen as Raph was much more interesting to hear.

He would tell you about the kinds of mutants he had to fight with, or humans that just wants to rob the bank, hit and run, some stilling an someone's purse and etc. etc.

He even told you one time that one of his brothers wanted to stop a thief from stealing an old lady purse but ended up being belated up by the elderly by both mistaken him from the thief and also scarying her.

You were all giggles and laughter at hearing him out while listening with Interest as your eyes would sparkle with awe.

Meanwhile, while he listens to you he would also listen with interest as he asks about your day at school, family and would also show him some protect that you do in your free time...

Finding some drawings of him here and there to which you would try to hind much to your embarrassment.

"Is that suppose to be me by any chance?" He smirks at the poor Lil you trying to hide everything.



When he comes over he would mostly show off his new moves with his weapon and talk about how his fights were, which make you worry if he had any injuries or whatsoever.

You would also take a few photos of his to pass some time as he poses and tries out some clothes that you would sneakily take from your father and brothers.

There was a time when your sister came over to ask about a missing lipstick that she wanted to wear for school and immediately thought you had it, knowing that you don't use makeup and even if you do, it wouldn't be a strong color.

"I told you to not get in my room and steal my stuff!" She argues while looking through your drawers.

"Don't mother have it? You know I don't use makeup if not in special occasions." You try to stop her from making a mess in your room and shoo her away.

"Maybe you're right." She stopped to think before stomping out. "Mommy!!"

Securing that she was out of sight, door closed and footsteps far. You hurried out in your window, poking your head out in search of your guest.

"I'm up here!" His face drops down from the roof and grins widely as he sees you jump in surprise and blush as his face lean in. "Can Peter Parker have Mary Jane kissy?" He playfully puffs his lips making kissing sounds.

Blushing madly but you faced away, denying it and pushed his face back with your hands.


Whenever your techno turtle would ome over, it would mostly be to help you out with your homework or school project while you take notes on everything that might seem important and he would explain to you every word that you may also not understand.

"And that is how you do it!" Donnie exclaims as he put down the pen and hands over the equation to you.

Looking at it close up you did an 'oh' expression as you read through the problem and decided to try it out too. "Like this?" You hand it over for him to check.

Checking it, Donnie nodded and smiles. "You're a quick learner, you got everything right quickly then my lousy brothers would." He mentions and puts on a few more equations in just case and hand over the text book back to you. "Now, try these and for the mean time to do it with the other method."

"O-Okay!" You said all fired up and began resolving the problem.


"How can you think that X=136 if Y is 5?!?"

"Waaaaaaaaah!! I don't know!!"

"And can you stop doodling on the pages! Your teacher had asked you to not do so!"

"I'm Sorryyyyyyyyy!!!!!"


You two would hang out at the roof so that he could show you some new moves he made with his skateboard while you would quickly sketch him and add the details with him while he thinks what would fit best on him and stuff.

" Oh oh! Can you also add some splatters and big words that shout out 'Turtle Power!!'." He shouted and did a pose, pointing at the sky with a wide grin.

You laughed at this and did what you can as you added in more smaller details to fill out the emptiness in some spots.

"How do you think about this?" You then showed him the finished work and anxious on how he may react.

Seeing that haven't said anything yet amde you wooried if you may have made a mistake, lowering down the book to look over him to see his reaction.

He stood there with wide eyes and a blush across his face as he awe the master piece made by the one and only you.

"C-can I keep this?!" He then asked out of nowhere as he leans over a bit more.

"E-eh? O-oh, uh... Sure-sure!" You shutter a blushing mess as him was only inches away from your face, not conscious on his own closeness.

"I'm gonna treasure this for my entire life!!"

"P-please don't." You mumbled already a second away from fainting.

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