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Hyunjin huffed as he came across Seungmin's post on instagram, "Tch, taking pictures? Did they even do any homework." He exclaimed to himself as he clicked on the tagged profile in Seungmin's post.

"Seung hates getting his pictures taken, he just..?" He was shocked to say the least, every time Hyunjin tries to snag a pic he would always find a way to make the older delete it.

"Maybe it's because Minho hyung is a senior or something." He quickly turned around from his table to see a quakka like boy on his bed.

"What are you doing in my room?" He asked rather coldly, clearly annoyed.

"Chillax, mother told me to go in." He teased.

"Okay, listen squirrel face. You can't just go into my room without notice and stop calling my mom "mother" just because we're in a fixed marriage together! I don't care if she told you to."

"2 things. First, I have a name. Second, how would I know? You never told me anything AND didn't confront me."

"Okay, fine, Jisung."

"Now that's better. So now, what's going on with all of that?"

"How do you know who I'm talking about?" He questioned, standing up from the chair on his study table and went to sat with Jisung on his bed.

"I saw it on instagram, Minho hyung's post. Also the fact you told me that you had no interest in me and you liked Seungmin during the night of the arrangement."

"You know Minho?"

"Wow, you really have no respect for that guy, and yes. We have a few classes together, wehot paired up for a project as well one time." Jisung said calmly and Hyunjin listen. He was still pressed and jealous about Seungmin and Minho though.

"He is quite cute might I add." This gave Hyunjin an idea.

"Hey, do you like him or something?" He turned to the boy, Jisung caught on a rolled his eyes.

"I don't do that stuff Hyunjin. Yeah, he's cute but not for me." He shook his head and got up from the bed and walked towards the door.

"I'll be seeing my way out then." With that he left.

"It was worth a try, I can try convincing him though.."

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Not a 2min chapter but a samsung one 😋

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