LVIII - 😱🩷

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Yuna knocked on the door in front of her. It was exactly 3AM in the morning. She stood there in silence, looking down at her feet as she waited for someone to open it. The door swung open, revealing Seungmin's father while an unreadable face. "Come inside." She nodded and walked in, closing the door behind her, and followed the man into the living room. She was met with an intimidating atmosphere once she had arrived, "Yuna, dear, sit down." Minsoo patted the seat next to her. As Yuna had sat down, the woman adjusted to face her, and so did she.

"Let's make this quick." She smiled sickeningly, crossing her legs. "Well, I had run into his friend and Seungmin. The friend he was with was Yang Jeongin."

"Do you have anything on him?"

"Well, he's a year younger than him. Other than that, he's a regular student."

"Anything else?" Seonwoo added.

"He mentioned this guy, Lee Minho. He's one of the top students and a senior."

"What's his relationship with Seungmin?"

"He's uhm..."

Yuna hesitated. She knew she was wrong for doing this, but she didn't have a choice. Maybe a small lie wouldn't hurt? Those were her exact thoughts. "A friend of his. If I'm not mistaken." The woman scoffed. She then softly placed her hand on the girl's wrist, looking into her eyes. "Yuna, we want you to be sure! Not all this 'If I'm not mistaken.' bullshit!" Her grip tightened. "I-I'm sorry, Mrs. Kang!" She winced at the pain, her nails digged into her skin.

"Mom?" Minsoo quickly let go of the girls arm and saw Seungmin by the staircase. "Seungmin! You startled me. How long have you been standing there?" She laughed as if nothing had happened. "I just got here. Why?" She took notice that he had glanced at Yuna as he went towards them. "Remember Yuna? Mrs. Shin's daughter? She used to play with you when you were little while Mrs. Shin was cleaning." That's when it hit him. She was the girl whom he thought seemed familiar earlier.

"And well, we found out that she was hospitalized recently. We reached out to Yuna and tried helping them financially, and we got her to transfer to your school." He nodded.

"What are you doing up this late, Son?" His dad questioned. They weren't exactly used to Seungmin sleeping late, let alone leaving his room in the middle of the night. Mostly because he'd leave when he knew they were asleep, and well, when he knew they were done peeping on him.

"I couldn't sleep, so I decided to go on a walk."

"Okay, we'll talk more with Yuna." He nodded and left the house, leaving Yuna with his parents once again.

"That was weird." Seungmin looked back at the house and continued walking, deciding he wanted to go to a convenience store near his house. The door dinged once he opened the door and went inside, causing the man running the counter to turn around, making his eyes widen to see a familiar face. "Jeongin?" The boy waved at him, his face carrying an awkward smile. "Hi, hyung."


"Stop looking at me like that. Just ask me already." Jeongin said that in such a joking manner that you could ignore the stressed face he had, of course not forgetting the additional eyebags completing the set. He and Seungmin were seated outside of the convenience store as he obviously could not go far since he was working. The brunette stared at the younger worriedly as he hesitated. "Hyung, you out of all people know I don't bite." He rolled his eyes teasingly, making the other scoff. "What happened? Is there anything wrong financially? You know I can hel–" "Nothing is wrong, hyung. There's just something going on at home, and I wanna help out. Also, I don't wanna take money from you, everything is fine." He interrupted to stop him from saying anything else. "Okay, okay, but if you need any help, I'm here. If you want, i can even fill in for you if you're busy!" He joked. "Ah, shut up, hyung. I need to head back inside. There's someone who just went in."

Seungmin sat there alone, sipping his strawberry milk that he had bought earlier. "Jeongin said his shift ends at 4:00," He took out his phone to check the time. It was 3:46AM, and he decided to wait for him until his shift ended. 'I'm kinda hungry, I should buy bread or something.' He stood up and put his phone in his pocket, leaving the carton of milk on the table as he wouldn't take that long. He went inside and gave Jeongin a small smile as he headed towards one of the isles to look for something he could eat while waiting for the younger. "Ooh, this looks good." He picked up one of the products from the shelf to look at it, and while doing so, he caught a glimpse from outside. From the side of his eye, he saw blonde hair? 'Yuna has blonde hair, right?' With the possibility of it being Yuna, he put back the packaged bread where he had gotten it from and ran outside, without a doubt starteling the younger.

The 'ding' sound that came from the bell made the girl look at where the sound had come from. His hunch was right, and it was, in fact, Yuna. With the eye contact, the girl turned away and slightly sprinted towards the other direction. 'Making a fool out of myself in front of some guy that I go to school with is way better than being found out that some kid's parents paid me to stalk him.' The brunnet's eyes widen at the sight and ran after her to grab her arm, what he didnt expect is that she winced in pain once he did, making him let go and look at her arm. "You're bleeding!?" Yuna looked shocked and looked down at her arm. "Shit." "Okay, I won't intrude you with questions about you being in my house for God knows what reason at 3AM in the morning, and I'll choose to ignore that happened if you want me to but only if we talk."

"Huh, I wonder who that girl is.." Jeongin thought. He squinted his eyes as they turned around. "Isn't that,, Yuna? But I thought they didn't know each other." He bit his lips and shook his head.



i had some personal problems as well school stuff to deal with BUT ITS SUMMER NOWWWWW and i promise to update more because wdym we have 15k reads!? that and i havent updated since january and i cannot believe that i still kep getting reads anw

MY GIRLS LOONA ARE FREE! i also just watched camp zb1 ep one and ricky is so cute IM SO HAPPY HE DEBUTED LIKE ALL THAT VOTING DID NOT GO TO WASTE like during finale ep i was waiting to use my last vote for ricky AND IM CRYING CAUSE I COULDNT VOTE FOR JUNGWOO DURING LAST WEEK OF VOTING MY BABY also anthonny ig acc!?! delulu for him and only him wakeonez are slowly leaving and thank goodness he, haruto, and woonggi left cause my boys do not deserve to be in a shitty ass company

ALSO GUYS STREAM THE WHOLE S CLASS ALBUM!?!?! and for the seungmin pics i wont be uploading them here anymore cause ur pookie is uploading this from his tablet and all the pics are on my phone so no seungmin pics for u

also special mention to my pookies fromis_9 cause they also made a comeback MUWAHAHAHAHAHA and another mention to taeyong cause shalala is a bop (slowly becoming a full time czennie)

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