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"Ji doesnt actually like Minho hyung..?" Seungmin stared at his phone as if it held held the keys to the universe, like it was the predicted questions for an upcoming exam. "Why did he say that he liked him? Gosh, he even talked about him with so much love and thought."

He turned his phone off, placing it on the table as he stood up and proceeded to walk to his closet. It was Saturday, the day he was going to hang out with Hyunjin after a long time. He scanned his closet, making a decision on what to wear. It was a good thing they were going to the mall, he needed some new clothes. He ended up wearing a cute black long-sleeve with a cute bear design with denim pants.

(What his outfit looks like and this is honestly one of my fav Seungmin fits)

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(What his outfit looks like and this is honestly one of my fav Seungmin fits)

"This'll do." He looked at himself in the mirror before exiting his room and heading down to the kitchen. His dad was in the kitchen finishing up their food. "Hey dad, what's cooking?" He turned around to look at Seungmin with a smile. "You know, the usual sandwiches." His dad placed the three plates on the table, "Where's mom?" he asked and looked around. "She's sleeping right now, probably going to go down in about... a few seconds." He chuckled as he saw his wife going doen the flight of stairs, she immediately spotted Seungmin; not in his usual attire. "What's the occasion, Seung?" She asked sweetly and sat beside her son.

"Me and Hyunjin haven't hung out in a while so we're going to the mall today." He took the sandwich infront of him. "Hyunjin? Don't you think he likes you?" He was about to stuff his mouth but paused due to his dad's question, he looked at him and he had serious expression. "Haha, don't be ridiculous dad.." He laughed it off, awkwardly biting a piece of his sandwich. "Our son is right honey, don't think like that. He wouldn't be with people like those!" She chuckled and patted Seungmin's back as he sat uncomfortably in his seat. "You're right sweetie." His dad replied and sat down.

He quickly finished his sandwich and drank his cup of water. "I'll go fix my things then head out now." He stood up and hastily went up the stairs. "Kid's these days, always want to be alone." His mom shook her hand and took a bite of her sandwich.


"I get that you wanted to me to tutor you for math but why exactly in a coffee place, in a mall?" Minho sighed and placed down his bag beside the chair before taking a seat. "Simple, this place has the BEST cheesecake." Jisung happily sat down beside the older and brought out his notebook. "I'll give you something to solve and then I'll go order for us, what do you want?" He took the notebook from the other and proceeded to write something down. "A slice of plain cheesecake and iced Americano! Medium sized for the drink." He looked over the older's shoulder, taking a peek on what he was writing. "Alright, solve this and I'll go order now."

The squirrel like boy took a look on what was written and analyzed it, he tilted his head in confusion and squinted his eyes. "I'll just pretend I know what I'm doing." He gazed at the shop in front before looking back down at the notebook. 'Wait was that Hyunjin and Seungmin?' He immediately looked back up to check if it was them, 'Oh shit it is them.' Hyunjin grabbed Seungmin's wrist and pulled him to the shop in front of him. "Seung! Let's go to that shop and get matching keychains for our bags, it would be cuteee!"  He pointed at the shop like a little kid persuading his mom to buy him a toy.

"Oh, hey! Isn't that Seungmin and Hyu-" Jisung stood up quickly and cupped the older's mouth to prevent him from saying anything. He forced Minho to sit down and made him stay quiet, the younger eyed the pair as they went in and let out a big sigh once they were out of sight. "Oh wait you did it right." His attention diverted to the notebook, he took it from in front of the blonde and looked at it.


The pair walked into the shop that Hyunjin spotted earlier, "Hyunjin! Come here, let's get these!" Seungmin pointed to two keychains, "Look, they're magnetically connected so if you stick them together they become a full butterfly!" he put the two keychains together and smiled brightly and looked at the other for his approval. The older could melt right then and there, he was like a cute little puppy, the sparkles in his eyes were so bright. "Alright, let's get it. Oh, and I'm paying!" He took out his pocket and opened it. "What! No let's split! I'm not letting you pay for the whole thing." He huffed rather cutely, making the other laugh.

"Think of it as a gift, I really want to buy this for you." Hyunjin took the two keychains and headed to the register with a sulky Seungmin following behind. The cashier placed the two in one box and carefully tied it with a ribbon. "Seungmin, let's go to the fountain outside the mall later, after this, I want to tell you something." He looked at the younger, who was clueless and innocently smiling. "Sure!"

They walked out of the shop and proceeded to head out to the fountain, it was a quiet walk but a comfortable one. Once they got there they bath sat on the edge, careful to not touch the water, "So, what did you want to tell me?" He looked at the blonde with an unreadable face. Hyunjin smiled and took out one of the keychains from the bag and placed it on the other's hand, "Seungmin, I know this is a bit sudden but..." he looked into the others eyes sweetly before continuing. "I like you, I have for a while now but I just didn't know how to bring it up."

Seungmin sat there dumbfounded, one of the things he feared the most was happening, "No. No, no, no, no, no, no, no!" He shouted, small droplets of tears formed in his eyes, he shook his head tried to run away but Hyunjin had grabbed his wrist. "Hyujin.. You know I can't! My mom! My parents! My... my..." He couldn't hold in his tears anymore, he started crying and covered his face. The older tried to hug him but he just pushed him away. "Seung..." He looked at him sadly, he regretted it, why did he have to confess? Why did he have to ruin his friendship with his best friend?

The brunette wiped his tears with his sleeve and ran away, the keychain still in his hand.

- 💛 -

1156 words for my baes CAUSE WE HAVE 2K READSSSS

This took a bit long cause i wanted to give you guys a really long chapter for the 2k reads 😭

I love you guys so much bro i will cry

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