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Rosalind had been in the room with Wanda for two days now. They only left the room to go to the bathroom - with an escort- and three regular meals were given to them inside the cell. Wanda was a sweet girl, but Rosalind hadn't had much human contact on an emotional and personal level, hence her sharp words and glares.

Wanda also continuously spoke about her twin brother and honestly Rosalind wanted to meet this Pietro, merely to see if he lived up to what was said about him. Apparently, he was strong and funny and kind, but could also be incredibly annoying other times. In fact at that moment Wanda was once again speaking of her brother.

Rosalind felt like a caged animal, and that was basically how she was treated. She felt like clawing at the walls, screaming at the smirking people on the other side. But even anger was an emotion and the academy taught her that emotions were dangerous. But she still held onto that anger, it manifested in her chest, ran through her veins.

"He's only twelve minutes older than me, but he never lets me forget it." Wanda sighed as she hung her head off the side of the bed.

Rosalind blinked several times, snapping herself from her daze. She turned to look at the wide eyed red head who was pouting like a four year old.

"Wanda. Please just shut up." Rosalind growled, pushing a lock of hair behind her ear.

"Why are you being such a bitch?" She questioned, pushing herself off the metal bedframe. "What's your story anyway?"

"My story is that I'm stuck with a whiny teenager with no escape." Rosalind snarled, curling her lip.

"I don't understand -" Wanda spoke softly.

"I don't expect you too." Rosalind interupted.

Before Wanda could further the conversation, the door opened. Several guards walked in, each heavily armed. Rosalind knew that she had no chance of taking them all down. She may be an assassin, but there was only so much even she could take. They marched into the room and escorted them to a large set of double doors near by.

Wanda became frustrated, resulting in her shouting in her first language. Rosalind grabbed hold of the girls hand. Wanda shot Rosalind a glare, annoyed and went to talk when she was hushed by her.

"I'm busy." Rosalind muttered.

Wanna was confused as to how Rosalind could be busy when she currently had the barrel of a gun pressed into her lower back. But Rosalind was mentally remembering the course they were taking.

Right, left, left - two corridors, right.

Two of the guards walked forward and pushed open a large set of double doors. The room was a cream colour, with cream ceramic tiles. Two men - Rosalind recognised one of them to be Strucker - stood in the corner of the room, speaking in hushed voices.

Wanda and Rosalind stepped inside the room, the doors slamming behind them. Rosalind thought her eyes were playing tricks on her. She kept seeing blue flashes, as if it were a trick of the light. An illusion, not really there at all.

Painted in Crimson ⇨ P. MaximoffWhere stories live. Discover now