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Rosalind had been extremely quiet since the run in with The Avengers. She spent most of her time in solitude not speaking unless she was directly spoken to. This was because her head was swarming with thoughts. She kept hearing the shouts of the red headed avenger in her head. She didn't know why, but she couldn't stop wondering who this Rosie was.

Ultron had recently taken a woman named Dr. Helen Cho. He was forcing her to create a new body for him using vibranium, the sceptre's gem, and her synthetic - tissue technology. This agitated Rosalind slightly. She pondered over why, and came to the conclusion that Ultron had ulterior motives. Her suspicions were growing each day.

"Rose." Pietro hollered, opening the door. He barely ever called her by her full name, but it no longer bothered her.

Rosalind smiled at him as he walked towards her. "Ultron's body is almost ready. He wants us all there when his conscious is being uploaded." He rolled his eyes when he finished.

Rosalind laughed slightly and stood up. Pietro held out his hand towards her. "M'Lady." Rosalind placed her hand in Pietro's and he pulled her close. He quickly kissed her before pulling her out of the room.

Together they walked to where everyone was. Pietro and Rosalind watched carefully as Wanda stepped forward and placed her hands on the glass container, reading Ultron's mind. Seconds later she jerked backwards, with a small scream. Pietro immediately went to her aid, wrapping his arms around her and making sure she was unharmed.

"It's terrible Pietro." She whispered. "He wants to exterminate the entire human race." Rosalind eyed Ultron to see if he had heard. But he was completely oblivious. "Stupid piece of scrap metal." She muttered, before walking away, the twins following her.


Somewhere between finding out Ultron's plan to exterminate the human race and leaving the building, they had been recruited by the soldier out of time. Rosalind was not particularly happy about this, but she was going wherever the twins were going. Rosalind supposed that they had all come together over a common enemy; Ultron.

Steve was taking the three of them to meet the rest of The Avengers. Rosalind felt uncomfortable at this. Pietro sensed this and intertwined his hand with hers. Sighing in relief, she smiled at him. They continued to walk though the corridors until they reached a door.

"In there. " Steve said, gesturing towards the door. "Come on we don't bite." He added when he saw their hesitation in entering the room. He opened the door and stepped inside, the twins and Rosalind following close behind. Rosalind scanned the room, looking at each person in turn. There was Thor, Clint Barton aka, Hawkeye, Maria Hill, Tony Stark - Rosalind shot him a glare that made Tony grateful that the saying 'if looks could kill' was only a saying. Rosalind's eyes narrowed as she did a head count.

"Steve." Rosalind whispered, to the blonde haired man standing beside her. He 'hummed' in response. "Is there someone missing?"

Steve wasn't able to reply because they were interrupted.

"Rosie." A voice called. Rosalind turned her head to see a woman with fiery red hair entering the room. Her expression was one of disbelief and happiness. Rosalind stared at her. "Rosie, you're here. Really here."

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