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The twins decided that they should visit some chapel they used to see. They stared at Rosalind, waiting for her objection and were shocked when none was expressed. But you see Rosalind didn't particularly care where they were going because she was free. So, Wanda smiled and grabbed Rosalind by the hand, showing her the way.

Pietro lagged behind watching as the two girls ran ahead, laughing. A small smile appeared on his face as he did so. Pietro was grateful for Rosalind's presence. For many years it had only been him and Wanda, and although Wanda seemed content with that he knew that she yearned for something more. He knew that she yearned for someone that she could confide in - someone other than Pietro. Someone to look up to. Someone to function as a mentor, as a friend . . . as a sister. Rosalind meant a lot to both Pietro and Wanda.

He watched as Rosalind swung her head around, her chocolate curls bouncing. Her cheeks were a rosy pink and her smile was dazzling. Her light brown eyes were alight as she grinned at him.

"Come on Pietro." She hollered. "Don't be such a slow coach." Wanda giggled beside Rosalind, her eyes flickering between her brother and her best friend.

Pietro's smile morphed into a smirk as he whizzed towards them. He latched his arms around Rosalind's waist, swinging her up into his arms. He slowed to a normal speed, now walking beside his twin who was doubling over with laughter. Pietro looked down at Rosalind, whose mouth was gaping.

"Please close that mouth of yours Rose. And don't squint your eyes at me either. Besides how far could you have gone with your little legs?"

Rosalind's eyes narrowed as she closed her mouth, now grinding her teeth. Wanda shook her head in disapproval.

"Bad move brother. You shouldn't have mentioned the height." She remarked.

"Pietro." Rosalind said calmly. "Please put me down."

Pietro's eyebrows furrowed as he set Rosalind on the ground. The two girls continued to walk as if nothing had happened. Pietro remained a few paces behind them, still filled with confusion. Wanda looked to Rosalind.

"Now?" She questioned.

"Now." Rosalind confirmed. Wanda grinned as Rosalind snapped her fingers.

Pietro yelped as his feet stuck to the ground, as a magnet sticks to metal. He stared at his feet in shock as the snow trickled up his legs, forming a solid ice block halfway up his legs.

"Rose." Pietro hollered, panicked. "I'm sorry. You're not that small."

Rosalind smirked, not looking back.

"What is his fascination with calling me Rose?" She asked, talking more to herself. Wanda shrugged as they continued to walk further away for a somewhat frozen and frightened Pietro.

"Every couple have nicknames for each other." She stated nonchalantly.

"How many times do I have to tell you that there is nothing going on between your brother and I?" Rosalind groaned.

Painted in Crimson ⇨ P. MaximoffWhere stories live. Discover now