The Changing

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Chuck usually finished his chores shortly after lunch. Today was like any other in the Glade. The sun was harshly beating down as always. The heat persisted even in the rain, or at least that's what Chuck had been told. It hadn't rained since he had been in the Glade, but he often wished it would. The seemingly eternal blue skies were brutal. During this time of day, his only source of relief was hanging around the opening of the Maze where there was a constant breeze coming from the shadowed passageways.

His figurine was coming around nicely. With a bit more practice, he might even be able to craft a fancier chess set. Clint, the keeper of the med jacks, was often seen playing with stones that were marked with their type. It would be a lot more fun to play if he had actual carvings of knights and kings to use.

"Hey!" It was hardly a whisper. Chuck thought he imagined it until the voice called out again, "Help!"

The wind was carrying the sound from deep in the Maze. Chuck stood up from his log and stared into the abyss in disbelief. The other gladers were all off doing their tasks, so he got closer to the edge to make sure.

"Hey! The bloody hell do you think you're doin'?" Newt scolded him all the way from the gardens, not shy about yelling across the Glade and turning heads.

"I hear someone!" Chuck gestured to the Maze. Now nearly every glader was distracted and abandoning their work. Newt started to jog over, many other boys following suit.

Just then, someone rounded the corner of the opening passageway. The figure looked inhuman at first, but Chuck quickly realized the proportions were so off because something was thrown over the runner's shoulder.

Or rather someone.

"Someone's hurt!" Chuck announced. The gladers picked up their pace and all filed in line at the entrance of the Maze. Chuck gestured into the maze again. "See? I think it's-"

Before the boy could finish, Newt jerked to the side to press a firm hand against Gally's chest who was already trying to run into the Maze.

"Don't. Ben's got her. As soon as he's in the Glade, you can do what you need to do, but for now, follow the rules."

Alby was yelling for the med jacks as he ran over. He placed himself on the other side of Gally and shared a look with Newt who still had his hand up to hold Gally back. Ben was maybe thirty feet from the entrance now, and it was apparent he wasn't doing so well himself. Most of the gladers froze in fear from the sight of bright blue vines popping out of Ben's forearms.

"You were stung?" Alby called out.

In a failed response, Ben gasped for air. Gally broke free from the line and daringly took a few steps into the Maze to offer Ben help. The tight-jawed look from Alby didn't go unnoticed, but Gally didn't care about whatever repercussions he might face later. Ben was struggling to breathe and you were. . Well now you were dead weight in his arms with discolored veins that matched your partners.

Ben stumbled across the threshold of the Glade where he was immediately held up by a swarm of gladers. Alby and Clint each had one of his arms over their shoulders while Jeff trailed alongside Gally and attempted to find a pulse in your wrist on the way to the med tent.

"Alright, everyone, come on. Give them some space, yeah?" Newt waved for the others to get back to their jobs. A chilling breeze came out of the Maze. Looking into hazy darkness made his stomach turn. The other runners hadn't come back yet.

"The hell happened out there?" Alby spoke under his breath directly to Ben, not wanting the others to hear the fear in his voice.

"I think-" Ben's heaving sounded wet from the fluid building in his lungs. "-it's dead. I think she-" He doubled over, violently coughing up black goo.

Rose// Gally Maze RunnerWhere stories live. Discover now