• Kiyochi and Sketches •

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Their Unhealthy Obsession

Kiyochi and Sketches were partners. Kiyochi found this very interesting and was excited. Sketches was a sighing mess and just wanted to leave.

Kiyochi's personality was very cheerful. She always smiles and laughs a lot. She's very violent and causes mischief along with Hybrid. She loves hearing screams and cries from her victim. She find it hilarious and smiles at them.

She isn't sadistic. That's just her personality. She tried being sadistic and failed. She finds joy into torturing, but she doesn't want to do that to her best friend Alyssa or anyone.

Sketches personality is calm and collected. She doesn't want to get her hands bloody or be in any bloody situations. She would much more rather poisoning them, take them out through the side lines, or hiring a hit man to do the job for her.

Kiyochi called her boring for that which made Sketches roll her eyes. They both fought a lot; they called each other names, telling why being more violent is good or bad.

Sketches was brains in beauty while Kiyochi was clueless and disorganized. She isn't disorganized with items, she's disorganized when planning murder. She didn't care if she made a mess or if the police found her DNA. She'll just kill them anyways.

Since Sketches and her were partners, she had to clean up her messes. Kiyochi laughed at that and cheered her on. Sketches grew annoyed and called herself "Cinderella for a murderer."

They had the same idea just in a very different view. This pair up will just me a chaotic, bloody mess. They both calmed themselves down by saying a line,

"This so for Alyssa."

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Warning; not as violent , swears, fluff, possessive, knives, guns, daggers, stalking, violent


   "So, what do you think?!" Kiyochi cheered.

She found three more people who was Alyssa's best friend. Normally she would've just eliminated them, but she found out something interesting. They weren't really innocent as she expected them to be.

They were in the same room, planning on if they should be in pairs or solo. Kiyochi didn't mind either of them, just as long as they're gone.

"Sure! That's a great idea ,Kiyochi!" Hybrid agreed. Kiyochi smiled. They'd already hit it off the first thine they met. They had the same personalities and had a lot of things in common.

Kiyochi turned to the elegant and the goddess-like girl. They thought about it for a few minutes then nodded. Kiyochi's eyes beamed.

"Awesome!! Okay! I'll decide on the pairs, okay!" Kiyochi blurted out. She sat down, with a piece of paper in hand, and started making up her mind. The three of them just stared at her, not daring to start a conversation with another. It was awkward.

"Mkay! The pairs are......" ,Kiyochi started, "Rockabiee..Hybrid are partners!! And Sketches is with me~!" Kiyochi exclaimed. They all jumped and questioned the brunette's choices.

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