Chapter Eight: Abuela's House

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Mami walked back and forth all over the house, nervous. She was talking about abuela as she paced with a bucket of water towards the balcony. She was watering the plants.

"Papi, I can't stand this anymore," mami said.

"Mami, I know, but we have to wait. The streets are still filled with huge tree trunks. Lampposts are still everywhere. There roads are blocked. We should wait until they say that it's okay to go out," papi said.

"Until who says?" Andrea asked. She was next to mami with a cup in her hand. She was going to help mami water the plants.

"The government," papi answered. Mami shook her head.

"I can't take this anymore. I have tried to call abuela, to see if she is alright. Her phone line is dead. I cannot contact her. I don't know anything. We don't have access to internet either. Maybe if you use the neighbor's power plant we could-"

"No. I will not bother the neighbors."

"Papi, it's time you go out and check the roads for yourself," mami said.

"Please calm down," papi said. Mami splashed some water on one of her plants.

"Okay, if you don't go, then I'll go. Andrea, get dressed, we're going downtown Río Piedras," mami said.

"Cecilia, it is not safe. There can still be buglars roaming around."

"I am going to take my pepper spray and the walkie-talkie you bought at the hardware store. You know, the one we were going to use for emergencies. This is an emergency. I must get out of the house and see for myself. I want to know what's going on. Besides we are running short on some supplies. We need batteries and food," mami said.

Andrea went to her room and changed her clothes. Mami did the same. She also brought a backpack with her.

"Okay Cecilia," papi said. Mami kissed papi on the cheek and so did Andrea. Then, they walked out of the house all the way to the plaza of Río Piedras leaving papi home. Río Piedras was a mess. Trees and cable ties everywhere. There were huge black, trash bags in every corner and pieces of rooftops splattered on the floor. Andrea's heartbeat was fast. She was scared. Río Piedras was destroyed.

"Mami," Andrea said. Tears streamed down her cheeks. She hugged Andrea.

"It will be alright. You will see. Remember the story of El Yunque," mami said. Andrea nodded. Now she felt better. Mami grabbed Andrea's hand and walked through the destroyed street of la placita. There were huge lines outside of the stores because there was no electricity and the owners were scared of being robbed.

"Okay Andrea, listen. We are going to make a line to get some batteries and food. Then we're going home. I've seen enough." Andrea nodded and waited in line with mami.

"Mami, everything will be okay," Andrea said.

"Yes. Puerto Rico will be majestic," mami said. Andrea hugged mami. She had to hug her. It was in mami's arms where she felt safe. After making the line, mami asked for batteries and some spaghetti canned foods. They were out of spaghetti.

"We have pasta and spaghetti sauce," the man of the store said.

"Okay, then, give me that," mami said. They left to another store where people could come in, but they had to have flashlights. The store was dark. Mami and Andrea couldn't see, but mami came prepared. She took a flashlight from her backpack. She switched it on and searched for canned spaghetti. Maybe here she would be lucky, but after searching she saw there was none left. They had cans of soup, but they weren't too many. She grabbed the cans and went to look for a few candles. A lot of candles were also gone. She took what she could find and paid in the cashier, but Andrea noticed that many people were looking at them. She pulled mami's arm.

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