Chapter 19

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Adler and I stayed at the backstage for awhile while some staffs are doing some final preparations down there.

"I'll be outside. Staffs will accompany you. I'll be waiting you downstairs." El said and instantly stood up.

I silently nod and put my hands at my back. He squinted his eyes while examining me.

"You sure you'll be fine here?" tanong niya.

"Yes, of course." maikling sagot ko at bahagya pang tumango.

"You look nervous." He stated.

"Obvious ba?" I asked, half joking.

Hindi siya sumagot at lumapit lang sa akin. He sighed before gently took my hands and smiled when he felt how cold it is. I slightly pouted and glared at him that made him laugh with all his heart.

"Don't be so nervous. It's all on me tonight, don't worry." nakangiting aniya.

Pabiro siyang yumuko at hinalikan ang kamay kong hawak niya na ikinatawa ko. He chuckled a bit before bidding his goodbye and walked away.

"And the 'yes' is on me tonight, too." I smiled at that thought and sat back at the couch.

After almost haft an hour, another staffs entered the room and started instructing me what I needed to do after I walk downstairs. I nodded as they escort me near the staircase where the lights are dim. I tried looking down and saw Adler checking his watch from time to time. I waited for the introduction before walking down the stairs and came to Adler who's waiting for me while offering his hands. I smiled and took his hands before he led me to the royal blue throne-like seat placed at the center of the wide hall.

"Enjoy your night." bulong niya sa akin matapos akong alalayang umupo.

I stayed at my seat until the eighteen roses. I looked around to find Adler and found him gesturing at me that he needs to go to the restroom first. Bahagya akong nag-alala dahil magsisimula na ang eighteen roses. Since I already don't have a father to be my first dance, Mr. Gimenez became my first dance. He's my dad's bestfriend and he volunteered when he learn about my debut.

"You look stiff, hija. Come on, loosen up." pagbibiro ni Mr. Gimenez.

"I know this isn't the right time but, I wanted to say sorry about the rejected proposal." I sincerely said.

"Don't mention it. I understand, enjoy the rest of your night." nakangiting aniya bago umalis.

It became pretty awkward for me because I rejected the engagement with his son but he did said it was perfectly fine with him so I became at ease. My second dance was Lance and my third was Matthew. The rest was my cousins whom I really not close with but insisted to be one of my eighteen roses.

"Don't be so obvious. He'll come back." pang-aasar ni Franz.

"I don't know why but–" aniko at nagkibit-balikat.

I roamed my eyes around, seconds after Franz left but I wasn't able to see him until mom came to the stage and called me to come up.

"Sweetie, come here up stage please." I don't have any idea about what was actually happening until she said something that made my jaw drop.

"Everyone, I wanted to introduce to you, my daughter's eighteenth dance. Her supposed to be fiancé!"

I gaped at her with wide eyes and was in panic as I looked for Adler around. My eyes settled at the man standing at the center of the crowd who's eyes also at me. My heart started to beat fast at some reason. I bit my lips and swallowed the lump in my throat before looking down. But what made me looked up once again was the name mom mention and an arm that encircled around my waist.

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