Chapter 3 ~ Searching For Answers ~

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Reid, Morgan and Lisa arrived at the police station at the same time as Rossi and Prentiss. The five of them got out of their cars and began discussing the case as they walked.

"There were no signs of torture, struggle or restraint on any of the nine victims," Rossi announced.

"That coincides with the fact that there was no sign of struggle in McCarthy's car," Lisa replied.

"It must have been a quick killing," said Morgan. "Odds are the victims never saw it coming and the minute they knew something bad was about to happen, they were gone."

They entered the station and were greeted by the sobs of a young woman. They gave each other worried looks but continued down the corridor. The five of them reached the small room assigned to them and took their places around the table.

"Who was the screaming lady?" Morgan asked Hotch.

"McCarthy's girlfriend," he told them. "Okay, so what did you guys get?"

"There seemed to be no signs of any physical abuse whatsoever, so we can rule out kidnapping," said Reid.

"That makes sense," JJ agreed. "Susie said she talked to Jonathan just last night."

"The autopsy of all of the bodies suggest that there was a small amount of blood taken from each of the victims," said Rossi. "We know that the unsub takes their blood but the question is why?"

Then, Morgan's phone buzzed. He pulled it from his pocket and answered it putting it on the table.
"What do you have babygirl?" he called down the phone.

"I'll tell you if you promise to give me some sugar when you get back," Garcia flirted. The team gave each other uncomfortable glances while Morgan just chuckled.

"Promise," he laughed.

"Okay," Garcia began. "So I searched for the matching blood types like you said and there was absolutely, 100%, no pattern between the victims."

"So what, there's no victimology at all?" Reid asked.

"Well boy wonder, I used my unbelievably clever brain and thought about why someone would need blood from another person," Garcia said. "My first thought was vampire but obviously we don't deal with such business in the BAU."

Lisa caught Spencer's eye and the two shared a small laugh together.

"You think the unsub is looking for a blood type to match their own?" Hotch asked.

"Unless there's another sick twisted reason to take a dead persons blood," Garcia replied.

"It makes sense," Reid agreed. "If the blood donor is dead, they can use their blood before it becomes deoxygenated."

"Is it possible that these are just opportunistic murders?" Prentiss suggested.

"You mean kill anyone and take their blood?" Lisa asked.

"Yea, I mean come on, there's no connection between the victims," Prentiss sighed. "This unsub obviously hasn't done research on them, they're just murders within the moment."

"It seems like a big possibility," Rossi agreed. "Garcia, we need a list of all blood transfusion patients still on a waiting list and we'll need the list of the blood types of the victims."

"You got it my Italian stallion. Sending it to your cells now,"she said before signing off.

"Why the victims blood types?" JJ asked.

"The unsub obviously hasn't found the right blood they're looking for," Rossi answered. "Unless McCarthy's blood is different to the rest, this unsub will continue killing."

"We also need to figure out how the unsub got into the victims' cars," Morgan said. "In the middle of nowhere on a road with no sidewalks, how long was the unsub in the car for?"

"Well, Susie said she and Jonathan had just had a fight when he left," JJ said. "I'll ask her if he left with anyone." She got up and left the room.

"We should go speak to the families, see if the victims were blood donors," said Prentiss. "If they were all blood donors then the unsub must have access to that information."

"We also need to look for someone who has access to getting blood tested quickly," said Hotch. He took out his cell phone. "Garcia, I need you to cross reference your search of blood transfusion patients with doctors, nurses and blood specialists in the area. This unsub had to be able to test for blood types quickly." He hung up and turned to Rossi.

"We should go to the families with Prentiss," said Rossi.

"Let's go then," said Prentiss. She grabbed her jacket and the three of them left, leaving Morgan, Reid and Lisa in the room alone.

"Okay while they're all gone, I'm gonna run to the bathroom real quick," Lisa told them, chuckling lightly. She left the room and was halfway down the corridor when she realised she forgot her purse. She turned around to go and grab it from the room when she heard her name being mentioned through the slightly open door. The blinds were shut so Morgan and Reid couldn't see her but she could bear every word they said.

"Lisa really is something," said Morgan.

"She sure is," Reid agreed, although he didn't sound enthusiastic.

"What's the matter kid?" Morgan asked, noticing the sadness in his voice.

"Would you stop calling me 'kid'? I'm in my thirties!" Reid shot back.

"Woah! Take it easy Reid," Morgan gasped. "I've called you kid from day one. What's the problem all of a sudden?" Reid said nothing.

"Oh, I get it," Morgan chuckled. "You like Lisa."

"No I don't!" Reid said defensively.

"You do!" Morgan repeated. "Well, I'm sorry to tell you kid, but you got some competition."

"I said stop calling me that!" Reid hissed.

"Fine pretty boy, I'll stop. Just be warned, I'm turning my charm up way high for this one."

Lisa covered her mouth with her hand in shock. She backed away from the door so that when she walked in it wasn't like she'd heard the whole thing. She waited for a minute before walking in casually.

"Forgot my purse," she told the boys. They both laughed awkwardly and she left again, feeling equally as awkward.

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