Chapter 6 ~ Profile ~

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"All of the possible unsubs were found dead in their homes," Reid told the rest of the team. He, Lisa, JJ and Morgan had arrived back at the station. Reid hadn't said anything to JJ or Morgan about his date with Lisa yet and he wouldn't say anything until things got serious between the two of them, if it ever did.

"That doesn't make any sense," Prentiss said. "Where else would this unsub have come from? How else could they carry out blood tests quickly?"

They stood quietly for a moment completely confused about where to go next. They had no possible unsubs left.

"I think...I think I can give a profile," Lisa said. She walked over to the board where all the photos of the crime scene were stuck.

"You sure?" Hotch asked.

"Positive," she replied.

They wheeled their board out of the small room and into the open area where the rest of the police force were standing.

"Agent Greene will be giving the profile now," Hotch announced. He gestured to Lisa to take it away. She pointed at one that showed a victim lying dead on his back. "Our unsub, is a woman."

"A woman?" asked an officer. Lisa glanced over at the rest of the team who looked equally confused.

"Look at the way the body is laid out after death," Lisa explained. The victims hands were crossed across his chest. His eyes were closed, it looked almost as if he were in a casket. "There is remorse in the crossing of the hands and closing of the eyes. Now, if the unsub was looking for someone to take blood from, a man wouldn't feel remorse because they'd feel that killing was the right thing to do, it's a natural instinct. However, a woman would feel guilt, her maternal instinct would kick in also suggesting that this woman is a mother."

"You got all that by the way he was laying after he was shot?" Clarke asked.

"We're profilers," Lisa said. "This is what we do."

"The woman would be between the ages of twenty one and thirty five," Reid added, obviously keeping up with Lisa's profile.

"What about teen mothers?" a policewoman asked.

"The level of sophistication is too high," said Hotch. "The lack of DNA or anything that could tie this unsub to the crime shows that she is smart and knows what she's doing. She's most likely local, since she's only killing locally."

"That's all for now," Rossi told them. Everyone got back to work as if nothing had happened. Lisa and Reid walked over to Hotch after what looked like a serious conversation.

"Hotch what if...what if the unsub isn't sick?" Lisa asked quietly.

"What do you mean?" Hotch asked.

"Well when Lisa mentioned that the unsub may be a mother, I started thinking," said Reid. "Maybe the reason we couldn't find the unsub in the list of people waiting for a blood transfusion is because she isn't sick, her child is."

"It also coincides with the remorse at the crime scene," Lisa added.

"I think you're right," said Rossi. "Let's get Garcia to check the list again for children." He pulled out his phone and dialled her number before walking out.

"Good job guys," Hotch said, patting Reid lightly on the arm.

"Good job Lisa," Reid repeated.

"Me? You're the one who figured out about the kid!" Lisa laughed.

"Only because you came up with a really good profile," Reid told her.

"What are the two children laughing at over here," Morgan asked, strolling over slowly.

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