Chapter 2 ~ Crime Scene ~

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Lisa sat across from Reid playing chess, obviously losing. They were halfway to New York on the jet by now.

"Checkmate!" he announced, smirking a little.

"Damn it Spencer!" Lisa groaned. "I'm not even gonna bother playing chess with you anymore!"

"Don't say that," he chuckled. "We both know you'd be lying if you said that."

"Who says I'm lying?" Lisa giggled. "No more chess against Spencer Reid."

"What the hell did the kid do now?" Morgan asked, taking a seat beside you.

"He just beat me at chess for the fifth time in a row," Lisa sighed.

"Did you honestly think you could beat him?" JJ piped up.

"I didn't know he was THAT good!" Lisa exclaimed.

"Who did you think you were dealing with?" Reid chuckled.

"Look Dr. Reid, you gloat one more time-"

"Let's get back to the case now guys," Prentiss sighed,"before one of you gets hurt. And by one of you, I mean Reid." Spencer's face flushed and he looked at his fingers again.

"We need to figure out why our unsub would want to take blood from a victim," Rossi said.

"Well, until we get there, we won't know that that's what happened," Hotch reminded him.

"But let's just say that was the reason," Prentiss started,"taking blood from a victim seems odd."

"What if there's a connection between these victims in their blood type?" Reid suggested.

"How would the unsub know the victim's blood type?" JJ asked.

"If they worked in a hospital they might," Rossi answered. Morgan opened the laptop sitting on the desk and Garcia's face appeared on the screen.

"Hey babygirl," he said sweetly.

"Hello my chocolate prince how may I help you?" she flirted back.

"Baby I need you to find out all of the victims' blood types and see if they all match and if they do, find out if they were admitted to hospital recently," he told her.

"Will do, Garcia out!" she said and her face disappeared from the screen.

"Morgan, Lisa and Reid, you go to the most recent crime scene and find out what you can," said Hotch. "Rossi and Prentiss will go to the morgue to ask about the other victims and JJ and I will go set up at the station. The unsub seems to be attacking every three days sometimes less. We need to move fast."


Lisa sat in the backseat of the SUV while Morgan drove silently. No one spoke, it was intense waiting to arrive at the crime scene. Not even Reid tried to speak to her.

Eventually they pulled up at the scene and hopped out of the car. The three of them walked over to the group of officers and introduced themselves.

"So anything you can tell us that we don't already know?" asked Morgan.

"Apart from the needle mark? We got nothing," the officer said.

"You mind if we take a look?" Lisa asked.

"Go ahead," he nodded. The three of them pulled on their gloves and walked over to the car. It was a BMW, dark blue, sporty car. Different to the other victims' cars. Blood was glistening in the sun against the windscreen, splattered all over it. Apart from that the car looked absolutely fine, no struggle.

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