【 𝙿𝚛𝚘𝚕𝚘𝚐𝚞𝚎 】

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1:35 ───ㅇ───── 3:47

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1:35 ───ㅇ───── 3:47

↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺

♡━━━━━━ ◦ ✤ ◦ ━━━━━━♡


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"Ugh...." I groaned and smacked my head with the pillow I was sleeping on. The faint noises of a door banging against the wall and a loud growl was coming from the next room over. I didn't try to wake up. It's no use, I can just ignore Blitzo's annoying screeching and screaming, and I could just go back to sleeping and just dream again...or maybe not.


I rolled over to the other side of the bed. I lazily opened one of my eyes and I caught a glimpse of Millie and Moxxie on the couch, staring at the bright TV screen. I saw Blitzo standing near the doorway, and I closed my eyes again, but he immediately pounced on my bed to prevent me from going back to sleep. Well, I suppose it did work. My eyes shot up and I immediately got up from bed.

"Dude...can't you let us sleep?" I asked, rubbing my eyes.

"Ha! No. Good morning, sunny! It's another day of work!" Blitzo smiled and he stopped after he heard the phone ring.

Ahh yes, probably Stolas again.

I ignored Blitzo and walked over to the phone to pick it up. Blitzo stared at me and glared at the phone. I picked up the phone and sighed, and I could hear the faint noises of a familiar someone yelling at a particular someone about an imp. Blitzo could hear this and he stared at me holding the phone, with his mouth wide open. I shrugged and was about to say something, but I was cut off by Stolas.

"HELLO! WAZZUP, N/N?!" Stolas yelled, but he sounded like he was panicking.

"Uhh...great, Stolas? Why are you calling me?" I asked, catching a glimpse of Blitzo who scowling in disgust. I saw Moxxie and Millie looking at Blitzo nervously, while eating some cereal. Loona was sitting on her bead, phone in her hand and staring at the ceiling. Maybe knowing what would happen next.

"Now, I would like to ask you if you are free today-"

"Sorry, no."

I slammed the phone straight onto the desk and I heard Blitzo cheering. Loona's head shot up and she looked startled. "WHAT THE HECK, BLITZO?" She yelled, and Blitzo stopped cheering. He smiled at her and replied, 

"Aww, love you too, Loonie!"

Loona groaned and she dragged herself off the bed. I sighed and proceeded to walk pass Blitzo, heading towards the shower. Blitzo yelled for me to come back, but I'll probably do that later. Moxxie stared at the TV screen, along with Millie. I bet they were watching some cheesy romantic movie of some sort. Loona walked over to the receptionist desk, and she waved to me as I passed by. 



Blitzo yelled once again. I sighed and hopped out of the bathroom, locking the wooden door behind me. I walked down the stairs and frowned when I saw Blitzo and the rest of the I.M.P gang. It was another meeting. Another boring meeting that probably lasted an hour or so, with Blitzo bothering me every five seconds. Not even.

"The heck do you want...?" I asked.

"Come spend some time with your boy!" Blitzo cheered.

Loona shot a sharp glare at Blitzo, which he ended up shutting up to. Moxxie and Millie exchanged confused glances with each other. I sighed and slumped onto the chair next to Loona and Blitzo looked confused at this. Usually, I would sit at the front of the table, near him, but I suppose today I'll just sit with my favourite hellhound. Shrugging it off, Blitzo proceeded to say his unnecessary speech.  

"Now. As you can see, we ARE NOT getting any more clients! That's sad." Blitzo said, writing some things on the board, which looked like scribbles of the whole IMP gang, riding on a boat across the streets of Imp City. Blitzo...what is the meaning of this?

"Blitzo...what's the meaning of this...?" I asked politely, not trying to sound rude. 

If I was ever rude to this clingy imp, he would ask me why I was rude to him or whatever. He honestly wouldn't leave me alone. Never. Trust me. 

"We need everyone in IMP to make a poster for more clients! Or employees. Like how you stumbled into this job, darling." Blitzo grinned, shooting me a wink at the last sentence.

I rolled my eyes and replied with an "Ok." Blitzo proceeded to explain his great plan, but before that he gave me two thumbs up. Loona eyed him suspiciously, before moving onto texting someone on her phone. Or she was probably posting something on that Voxtagram app she got before. 

By the end of the extremely boring 'lesson', Blitzo smiled and showed everyone in the IMP gang his amazing creation that he made on the board. It was pretty terrible, no offense. Just some scribbles here and there and random words that looked very odd. Blitzo smiled with pride and Loona just stared at the whiteboard in disgust.

"Eww. I'm going." Loona said, before leaving and shutting the door to her room.

Moxxie and Millie left shortly after to continue watching their movie. Then it was just left to me and Blitzo.

"N/NNNNN, you aren't gonna leave me, right?" Blitzo yelled, but I just stood up and left.



1:35 ───ㅇ───── 3:47

↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺

♡━━━━━━ ◦ ✤ ◦ ━━━━━━♡

A/N: Idk what i'm doing here but ok. Btw this is a harem because yes lmao. Anyway, enjoy?? Maybe? Idek.

-937 Words

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