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1:35 ───ㅇ───── 3:47

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1:35 ───ㅇ───── 3:47

↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺

♡━━━━━━ ◦ ✤ ◦ ━━━━━━♡


»»————- ♡ ————-««

"We are the C.H.E.R.U.B.S-"


Blitzo stared at the TV in anger, demanding Moxxie to get another TV. He held his gun firmly in his hands and shot the TV, while I just had to deal with his anger. Moxxie sighed and got another one, mentioning how he couldn't keep this up. Blitzo flicked through channels and landed on Wally Wackford's thing. I didn't really pay attention, since there was a rumbling underneath the building. Loona woke up from her sleep and asked, "Is there a Hellshake?" I didn't answer, since the strangest looking man arrived.

The dude broke our expensive wall, and he looked like an oompa loompa. Loona growled furiously and Blitzo and Millie gasped. Moxxie was under the rubble, asking for help. The oompa loompa demon was standing on top of the rubble, where Moxxie was underneath. He had some stupid tentacles coming out from his back which was sus and had some disgusting top hat thingy. Skinny imp Blitzo stared at him and mumbled something about Moxxie fixing the walls. Honestly, oompa loompa kinda looked like a Batman character wannabe.

"You could've used the front door, y'know..." Loona sighed, and no one paid attention to her.

"Wow. You smell like you recently died. Did you?" Blitzo asked.


"Just saying you could've used the door...y'know." Loona continued.

"SHUT UP DEAR FURRY! <33" Oompa loompa said.

Loona growled, and I grumbled. As soon as the Oompa Loompa left, I walked over to Moxxie, and helped him up. He gladly took my hand and began to wobble towards the desk. "Thanks...Y/n." Moxxie said and pulled me into a hug. I hugged him back, and wobbled away, towards the living room. Blitzo stopped talking to the oompa loompa and then ran towards me, jumping onto me. I looked at him and pushed him off. It was obvious he was trying to hug me, but I don't know in what way. 

"Listen, M and M, and Y/n, we're going to-"

"Yeah, yeah, we get it. SHUT UP!"


Moxxie, Blitzo, Millie and I were in disguises. Blitzo looked like a clown, probably remembering his glory days. Also known as his past. We walked towards the giant mansion that the client's person lived in. I heard the tour guide touring around the house say something about us quickly scuttering towards the old man's house. I quietly opened the window and saw the dude sleeping in his bed.

The man tied a rope out of his IV blood transfusion thingy and tried to hang himself, but then a beam of light came from the sky. Three angels, which looked to be the CHERUBS from the commercial were floating, talking to the old man. Blitzo saw this and broke into the window. Even though I opened it a few minutes ago.

"HEY!" Blitzo yelled.

The cherubs turned to him and gave him a quick glance, before turning back to the old man and showing him around. Blitzo groaned and we quickly followed them. They were on a hill, and the cherubs were showing him around. I heard Blitzo yell out something, but I didn't really hear it. The only thing I heard, were the cars zooming away from the parking lot. 


"BEHOLD! The wonder of art and music!"

I sat in the seats quietly, and watched as Moxxie, Millie and Blitzo was watching the play from above. With the help from Millie and Moxxie to stop Blitzo from clinging onto me, I managed to get away from him for a while. 

"How do we make this bad?" Millie asked Blitzo, who was watching the scene from above.

"We can't! There's literally nothing bad!" Moxxie mentioned.

"UNLESS WE RUIN IT!" Blitzo smiled and moved the stage light to a different direction.

The actor on stage moved her horse one side to another side and followed the direction the spotlight moved to. The cherubs and the old man looked at the performance confusingly, and Blitzo continued to move the stage lights. I caught a glimpse of Moxxie, Millie and Blitzo grinning sinisterly at the stage and proceeded to move the spotlights faster than before. The cherubs and the old man looked closely at the scene, and I continued eating my popcorn. Blitzo accidentally dropped the spotlight, and it fell onto the actor. Which also resulted in the actor being crushed under that giant spotlight.

The whole audience, including the cherubs and the old pal screeched. The piano man looked at the scene nervously, and I spat out some of the popcorn in my mouth. The pianist continued to nervously play the piano, and Blitzo looked proudly at the scene. 

"Oh at least we made it-"

"YOU THREE IMPS HAVE MESSED WITH US ENOUGH!" The pale orange cherub yelled. The cherubs flew from the old man to the imps, and they started fighting.

I sighed and knew what was going to happen next.


Moxxie and Millie were tied to a rope together, and Blitzo stared at the cherubs. I walked over towards Moxxie and Millie and untied them, hearing a large thump behind me. 

"HA! Looks like you did our job for us!" Blitzo laughed, and Millie and Moxxie did too.

"THIS ISN'T OVER!" The yellow lamb cherub yelled, before we left.

Moxxie, Millie and Blitzo grinned and hopped away. Blitzo grabbed my hand, and we went back to the I.M.P HQ.

"Y/NN! DID YOU THINK THAT WAS GREAT?!" Blitzo screeched and embraced me in a hug. Though, I didn't hug him back. Blitzo pulled away from the hug confusingly and I walked over to Loona, who was staring at her phone boredly. I sat next to her and heard the annoying laugh of the oompa loompa man. However, there was someone next to him. Next to him was a bowling ball with arms and legs, and keyboard piano teeth.

"What the heck." I said and watched as another demon came after the bowling ball mentioned something about mechanics or inventors.

"DID SOMEONE SAY SOMETHING ABOUT INVENTORS?!" Wally Wackford asked. Woah, we must be lucky, the legendary Wally Wackford is here.

Loona groaned and stood up, walking away. Millie and Moxxie watched her and looked back at Wally Wackford. Oompa Loompa, bowling ball and Blitzo looked at Wally Wackford weirdly and Blitzo muttered, "Moxxie will fix the wall."


1:35 ───ㅇ───── 3:47

↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺

♡━━━━━━ ◦ ✤ ◦ ━━━━━━♡

a/n: another update?! 

i don't know what to add here but ok.

srry if it's shorter than the rest of the chapters. I ran outta ideas.

-1110 Words

»»————- ♡ ————-««

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