grey is a color of control

420 21 3

TW: temporary character death.

sorry. not sorry👀


Like a sea storm.

He was terrified of drowning in her eyes.

Like a sea storm.

He had no power left in him to oppose the cutting flow of the winds and the tearing force of the water. He let himself be swept away, because he could trust her. She had been his anchor to the mortal world. Someway, she still was.

Percy Jackson watched her take the spare key of his apartment from his palm and then slam the door on his face. She told him before kicking him out of their, no her, apartment that she was giving him time to figure things out. "Go take a walk. It might clear your head, Seaweed Brain,"

Percy closed his eyes, breathing in deeply and turned his back to the door. He shoved his hands in his hoodie pockets. No one came to greet him today, no one even walked near him; it must be because of his wolf glare or the fact that thunder cracked when anyone got close enough to him. He could sense Annabeth peaking a look from the window, hiding behind a curtain. He frowned and tried to get his powers under control. 

He could see where Annabeth was coming from. He had started to use his powers unconsciously. Now, when he was finally noticing it, he was just scaring himself.

His feet had a mind of their own and he let himself be carried away.

His thoughts were too jumbled to even pay attention to things like thinking of a destination he wanted to go to. It was a mistake.

His feet took him home.

He skidded to a stop when the slightly salty smell evaded his senses, when he tuned to the moisture in the air. Of course, he had unknowingly travelled towards the direction of the river.

It called to him.

It spoke his name.

He could almost hear a chant.

The sound of waves crashing was like the song of the sirens to his ears and his legs had dragged him to the edge of the city so he could jump in the river. Only thing, he would not drown. He knew he would thrive.

He willed himself to walk away.

She spoke his name.

She called for him.

She was in the air.

She was in the land.

She was everywhere.

She was in him.

She was with him.

"Leave me alone." He told the compel of powers.

"I don't want any power."

She was whispering a prayer.

In frustration, he stopped and turned back to see the waves coming in existence and just as quickly disappearing.

She was testing his limits.

She was boasting about the riches of the deep sea.

"Please," he pleaded. "I- I don't want this."

Her voice turned confused.

"I've always wished to be normal." He whispered, his voice and heart broken. He eyes stung with tears, but he refused to let his hurt show. "Everything is going wrong because I cannot control myself, my own powers."

He hung his head low. "She's scared."

He toed the gravels at his feet. His breathing was coming short, like he was nearing a panic attack. Oh gods please.

"I'm scared." He told the tug.

She was quiet for a while, then he felt a gust of wind going through his hair in some semblance of comfort. "Thank you." Percy smiled sadly. "But" he braced himself, "I don't want this."

Nothing happened.

Then, the world stopped.

Percy stumbled, clutching at his head to somehow stop the throbbing pain between his eyes. Tears finally came flowing out. His world spun. The gravel was suddenly looking like shards of glass and the sea was red. The sky looked angry. Thunder rumbled.

What had he done?

He tried to grab on the railing.

The wind knocked him off balance, the moisture in the air was filling his lungs in a weird way. He gasped, trying to breath.

He tumbled over the railing.

He was like Icarus, trying to chase something he could never have. He was like the boy with wings, who tried to sour out of his element and embark a journey through and beyond the sky.

Only difference, he successfully (stupidly) broke through that element.

Half human and half nothing.

He renounced his own powers, his own home.

Perseus fell on jagged rocks (They looked like glass and pierced his skin.) Tears streaked his cheeks as sobs broke through his throat.

A giant wave crashed over him. He only had a moment where he felt like now, he would be saved. Water. Water. Water. Water. His mind repeated the name of his lifelong savior.

But, just like the wave, the short-lived relief was washed away.

The pressure of the wave squeezed out a broken, choked scream out of his and then water filled his mouth, his lungs, his everything, his every being.




He had renounced his birthright.

He had committed a fatal mistake, and he was paying the price of offending a god by throwing away the power godly blood like something foul.


Help me father!

Unlike the other times, now, no comforting presence filled his mind space on remembering his dad. No warmth washed over him.

He was shivering. His hands were so cold he could not feel them. His body had gone so numb he did not know his surroundings anymore.

He stared at the angry sky while he took his last breaths. White light flashed and it was like his senses had been knocked back. Great rumbling filled his ears. Then, static.

Gods, he wished Hades would let him enter his realm. He did not want to suffer in his afterlife too.

Another wave crashed on him and over him. Percy Jackson knew no more.

Thunder rumbled and it rained.

The rocks were painted red. (The shards of glass were shining gold.)

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