[2] The Stranger

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You're woken up to frantic knocking at your door, pounding against the inexpensive wood with such ferocity that you're scrambling out your bed, slipping on a slipper while accidentally kicking the other under your bed.

You open the door to two unfamiliar faces: one albino with strange two toned eyes; his partner is a brunette, with dark red hazel eyes that brighten up when they land on your face. He smiles with more enthusiasm than his partner.

"Uhm," You start, closing the door on them slightly, "Can I help you?"

"What do you mean by Can I help you?" The brunette says, "You're late for work!"

You must have looked bewildered because the brunette puts a friendly hand on your shoulder and gently pushes you back into your room, thereby subtly entering himself into your orbit and away from his partner, "I'll explain later," He quickly and fleetingly whispers into your ear, his warm breath fresh and soothing on the delicate shell of your ear. He then pushes himself out of your boundaries with a smile, hands in his pockets as though nothing had happened, "Well? Go and get ready; Kunikida's gonna to get mad at all three of us if we don't make it in time!"

You're not sure as to what compels you to follow his subtle orders, but you find yourself picking yourself back into your work clothes and cleaning yourself up in the bathroom. Maybe it was the fact that he offered you an explanation to all your questions, maybe it was because you needed the monotonous schedule of work days back, maybe it was because you felt utterly alone in this strange with two moons; which was now replaced with a singular, glowing morning sun; maybe it was because there was something so familiar about that man that had spoken to you that you had no choice but to follow him if you wanted a way out of this maze. But there was something about those two men–no, there was something strange about everyone that you encountered once you stepped outside of that hotel room, almost as if you were entering another reality. You felt like a half-bred ghost, flitting here and there while everyone was animatronic human beings. They looked too perfect, with no imperfections, as though drawn with clear, explicit references to another breed of humanoid creatures. For instance, when you set your gaze on the brunette male from earlier, he seemed to be a romantic statue made from the late Baroque period; his eyes were rings of deep brown speckled with wine flakes, completed with occasional ripples of light when a beam of light caressed the cusp of his face. You took no shame in examining him; going as far as maintaining eye contact with a stoic stare when he turns his face to meet yours.

"Is there something on my face?" He asks coquettishly, almost as if he was guessing why you were looking at him in the first place; yet he blinked in surprise when he could see himself in the two disks of your eyes, staring back at him as though printing him into the back of your eyelids before you turned your head away to face the front.

"No, not at all," You reply, leaving him a bit baffled, "Was just making an observation."

"You must do that to everyone else then," He says.

"Not really. I work...I worked at a department store filing office. I've seen more papers than people there," You say, and then lean in close to his shoulder, "You haven't told me your name yet."

He blinked, then shook his head as though ashamed of himself, "My name is Dazai Osamu. This is my co-worker, Atsushi."

"Well, hello Dazai, Atsushi. I'm (last name) (First name)."

The streets of Yokohama are busy as ever, and especially since it was a work day, the heat of both the people and the summer afternoon were beginning to take a toll on you. You cross the stoplights with your new companions, with his co-workers trailing anxiously behind you; occasionally, when you turned your head over your shoulder to check on him, he would awkwardly give you a smile before waving at you.

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