Bunny - 💐Flowers💐

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Type Of Story: Fluff

Summary: It's Valentines day and Kenny wants to find Butters a present, but he doesn't have the money to afford anything. Kenny still decides to do something special for Butters on Valentines day.

Word Count: 726

[Kenny's Pov]

Today was Valentines day. All the couples were getting eachother gifts, I wanted to be able to do the same for Butters.

I've been trying to save up some money by working 2 part time jobs. I haven't made alot, but enough to get something small for him.

I walk around town and look around at all the shops. Everything looked so expensive.

I really wanted to make Butters happy.

All of a sudden, a small shop catches my eye.

It was a flower shop. That was perfect, butters loved flowers.

I walk into the cozy shop. The small bell on the top of the door rings as I walk in.

I'm Imidiatly greeted by the owner of the shop who was watering some of the plants.

She had long blonde hair and a tan apron around her.

"Welcome!" She greets with a warm smile.

"Looking for anything in particular?" She kindly asks me.

"Just looking around" I tell the nice lady.

She nods as I begin looking around at all the colorful flowers and plants.

The shop smelled amazing, it reminded me of Butters.

I look around for a while, when something catches the corner of my eye.

It was a batch of light of blue and yellow spring flowers.

As soon as I saw them, they Imidiatly reminded me of Butters.

Blue and yellow were his favorite colors.

I pick up the batch and look at the price tag.

It read '$34.99' I sigh and put them back down.

Sadly I didn't have enough to afford them.

How was I supposed to get something for Butters, everything costs so much.

I go to walk out of the shop and continue my search, but I'm stopped by the flower shop owner.

"Leaving so soon?" She asks me.

"Yeah sorry, I can't afford anything here" I rub the back of my neck nervously.

"Well no worries then! It's Valentines day! You can take one thing for free!" She offers kindly.

"Really? Thank you so much!" I kindly thank her and walk back over towards the pastel flowers.

"It's no problem really!"

I take the batch of blue and yellow flowers and walk up to the kind lady with them. "May I have these" I ask her.

"Is that all? You can take anything you want."

"I'm sure this is all" I smile.

"Ok, well then, have a nice day" She smiles before going back to watering her plants.

"You too!" I wave as I walk out of the shop.

I begin walking to Butters house and stare down at the flowers with a smile.

"He's going to love these" I smile to myself.

I knock on Butters door with one hand and the flowers in my other.

Butters answers the door and quickly jumps up onto me, wrapping his arms around my neck.

I chuckle and hug him back with my free hand.

Butters backs up from the hug and looks up at me with his soft contagious smile.

"Hey Ken! What are you doing here?" He asks.

I hold up the flowers to him and rub the back of my neck nervously looking the other direction "Happy Valentines day Butters" I blush.

Butters covers his mouth and tears fill his eyes as he looks at the flowers.

"D-do you not like them? I can return them if you-" Butters cuts me off with a kiss to my lips, catching me off gaurd.

He takes the flowers and hugs me tightly. "They're perfect ken!"

I smile and hold him close to me.

"I wish I could have gotten you something better..this was all I could afford" I apologize.

"Kenny. I don't need anything else. I'm just happy to have you" he smiles.

I could feel Butters words melting my heart.

I loved getting compliments from him.

I hug him tighter and give him a small kiss on the cheek, earning a giggle from Butters.

"I love you so much butters" I smile with joy.

"I love you too ken. Happy valentines day." Butters smiles back, hugging me tightly.

"Happy Valentines day Butters"

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