bunny - ❓️Enemies Pt.2❓️

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Heros/villans au, Mysterion x Chaos

Type Of Story: Angst

Summary: Butters and kenny find out the truth about eachothers identities. Some unexpected events happen, causing Kenny to slowly die once more. This time in front of butters. Kenny ended up saving Butters from the fire, but died while saving him. Just like always nobody remembers his death, or so he thought...

Word Count: 1292

[No ones Pov]

Just like every other time Kenny died, he always ended back up in the same spot, his bed.

The taller blondes eyes begin to flutter open as he lays there on his rusted and dirty mattress.

He reached his hands out in front of him to tell if this was actually happening.

The boy sighs in disappointment.

Kenny has always hated his curse, he's tried everything.

From guns, to knives, and even getting run over. Nothing seemed to break his vile curse.

The McCormick boy sits up for a minute before hopping out of bed and to his closet, where he would put his mysterion costume back on.

He ran past his parents who were too high and drunk to even notice him walk out the door.

Kenny Imidiatly runs back to the same building as yesterday. Only to see that the whole thing had been burnt to the ground.

He sighs in disappointment. "I couldn't save them.." he clenched his fists and looks down at the ground. His nails practically digging into his skin.

That's when the memories all came flooding back to him.

He had at least saved Butters.

A small smile creeps onto his face as he remembers. A smile of happiness? no, more like relief.

All pf a sudden, He can hear someone approaching him in the distance, so he looks up from his feet.

That's when he sees him.

Butters Stotch. Standing there in his Chaos costume in complete shock.

They both just stare at eachother for a minute. Butters eyes fill with tears when he see's Kenny.

Nether of the boys move for a moment, they were both too paralyzed with shock.

Tears slowly begin rolling off the younger boys cheek. Stinging his face slightly.

He covers his mouth with his hand, the water in his eyes blurring his vision and distorting the figure that stand in the distance.

Butters quickly runs up to Kenny and hugs him tightly like he hasn't seen him in years.

The taller male was taken by suprise when Butters did this. He wasn't expecting this reaction at all.

The shorter blonde sobs into the taller males chest, not able to form any words.

Kenny hesitantly holds him back, confused at what was going om.

The younger male pulls back, trying his hardest to wipe the twars from his eyes. They kept coming anyways.

He tried to speak, but it l just cam out slurred and trembled. "Y-you...h-how..i-i..k-ken..?"

"Woah, woah..calm down Butters...what's going on?" The taller male asks.

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